04 November 2011

Becoming My Mother, Part II

She always had a pair of desert boots. They were stylish when she was in college, and have come in and out of fashion ever since. She had the original version, taupe suede with laces and crepe soles.  Every so often, she'd get a new pair.

I never had a pair. But I was idly paging through a catalog, and there, a pair just called out - buy me! The ones I bought are black leather, with a buckle. But still. Desert boots. I now own a pair of desert boots. They're very comfortable.

Like I said, I seem to be becoming my mother.

I'd better dye my hair blue again.


  1. You'd look amazing with blue hair ... again :-)

  2. Now my daughter made off with a pair of my shoes. I like your way better.

  3. For me to say I am becoming my mother has always been a terrifying thing. But as I am growing older, I realize there are some GOOD things about that, and I'm getting OK with embracing them.

    (And with shoes? Heck, if they're comfortable, then they are AOK!)

  4. I wish I had my mother's executive function. It is funny that I can't seem to get anything of my mother but the things that cause me problems.

    But your mother sounds so cool.

    Didn't old ladies have blue hair? I always wondered about that.

    (I just realized I did not have you on my blog roll--I had put you there but I didn't save or something...not sure what happened! Anyway, I hope you guys had a great Halloween.)


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