09 November 2011

Nine Things I Would Like To See One Day

Ilina's liquor cabinet
Amanda's store
Jen's jungle

Christine's massage parlor
Becky's cornfields
Maggie's Paris

Julie's bicycle
Catherine's ice fishers
Kelley's tattoo

And you?


  1. You're welcome anytime. :)

  2. Anytime you want to brave Arizona, there's a massage waiting for you

  3. Tell you what, I'll come to NY and bring you a piece of Nine. It will be a boomerang and will bring you back my way...your family will love the excursion ;)

  4. Also, if you want someone to ride shotgun on this epic experience roadtrip, I'm your gal.

  5. Becky's cornfields are not that far away from my fishing shanties, you know.

  6. Do come. With family and I'll have plenty of ideas. On your own and you can stay in my little garret (my writing studio) and I'll show you my favorite cafes and bars and all the my haunts and the history behind them. We'll get a goat-cheese salad and a bottle of red and take our time on both. There'll be a lot of storytelling, a bit of show & tell?


Go ahead, leave a message. I don't bite.