14 March 2007

Per Se Another Day

So instead of going to Per Se for dinner tonight, I am going to see a surgeon in a little while to discuss the removal of my gall bladder. Under the circumstances, a rich foie gras and butter laced dinner seemed like a bad idea.

I've known that I have a bad gall bladder since I was pregnant. But it has been largely quiescent since then, until a month or so ago. In the past few weeks, I've had a couple of nasty acute attacks, the most recent of which involved fainting from the pain. So it's time to address the problem.

I had a bad gall bladder attack when I was 21w pregnant - it was the first time my gall bladder had acted up. I landed in the hospital (on the L&D floor) for several days. They sent me down to the hospital radiology department for a sonogram of my gall bladder. The doctor doing it asked if some college students who were interning could watch - I said, sure, if you give me a picture of the baby. So after he was done with the real work of looking at my diseased bits, he did a recreational scan of my baby. It was great. And the students were tickled. Especially because he said they got very few pregnant women in there at all (OB scans were done elsewhere by the maternal/fetal people). And after all that, HE FORGOT THE PICTURES! Argh.


Mayberry said...

So sorry you've been in pain! I hear gallbladder attacks are just awful. Good luck with the surgeon (and surgery, when it happens).

Aurelia said...

Ouch on the gallbladder. I hope it gets better soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, I feel for you. May it be so much less than the kidney stone I cried about - but it sure doesn't sound like it. Hang in there, and get good drugs.

pinknest said...

oh no that sounds terrible! i hope this get resolved soon. :( so you'll save per se for another day. something to look forward to!

Anonymous said...

We have bad gall bladders in our family, so I know how it sucks! I'll probably have to have mine out sometime. Best of luck.