23 September 2009

Family Game Homework Night

I thought only Congress could decree things to be "National Day of Thus and Such", but Hasbro has proclaimed tonight to be "National Family Game Night".

And even though I'm kind of viscerally opposed to participating, sheep-like, in invented holidays, I rather like sitting down en famille and playing games. Unfortunately, while we could play Jenga, or Chutes and Ladders, or Pictureka tonight, I think we're stuck playing an Everyday Math version of War instead.

The joys of homework: it involves the entire family.


well read hostess said...

I've got an idea.

How about "National Family Leave Mom the F Alone Night so She Can Watch HGTV in Peace."

Apparently, I'm having A DAY.

susan said...

Go figure. Politica and Curious Girl played Jenga tonight, and CG and I played mancala earlier. Who knew it was a national thing?

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Best teaching math facts and quick adding ever game--Blackjack.

flutter said...

oh and you thought you were done with school..

Melissa said...

Oh yes. Homework does involve the whole family. Bleck.

And Everyday Math is evil. Pure evil. Do.Not.Like. Our district finally got rid of it, but it's going to take another year to repair the damage done with my 6th grader.

Anonymous said...

All of the 2nd grade moms were lamenting that homework club doesn't start until 3rd grade. For the time being, I am really grateful that I am home in the afternoons so the school work gets done before dinnertime.

Kirsetin Morello said...

Ugghh. Everyday Math. Must it really take place every day? I still don't understand why they don't have time to complete it during the 7 HOURS our children are at school.

S said...

Oh, God, cutting up those little squares of paper...


MadMad said...

AY! We have everyday math, too! And boy is it everyday... ugh. What I want to know, though, really, is... why do I have to do their homework?! I'm DONE, already. I liked the old way better, where your mom just yelled up, DID YOU DO YOUR HOMEWORK? and that was the extent of her participation. That is so much more my style.

The Library Lady said...

UNO is big at our house. JR and I used to play it every night before she went to bed and this summer she suddenly revived the custom. Occasionally, she ropes SC into playing too.

I am very,VERY grateful that JR is good at math and that she seems to be thriving under the same Grade5 math teacher that SC hated so much.
And I am even more grateful that SC's algebra teacher believes that kids should do all their work at school. If SC DID come home with homework, we could probably help her, but it wouldn't be any prettier than it was in past years!

Angelina said...

When people tell you all about having children they never point out that it means you'll have to go through the horror of loose teeth and doing homework all over again. I think it should be covered in books like "What to Expect When You're Expecting".