09 February 2010

Duct Tape

We have a kind of half-assed set of blocks and chutes with which to build marble runs. I call it half-assed because it's nearly impossible to actually get it to work - the pieces are all too clumsy, and the marbles tend to blow the whole thing apart, and the pieces aren't graduated enough to let you get just the right amount of incline.

So here's my question. Is it allowable to use duct tape and popsicle sticks to make the thing work right, or is that unsporting?

[What I really want is a Cuboro set, but they are so damned expensive.]


susan said...

I'd call it creatively practical! The point is to enjoy--if the duct tape makes you all happy, hurray. If the duct tape makes you all sad that it's not working right, then skip it.

Harriet said...

It is totally kosher. We have the Quercetti and it works very well without duct tape, but little hands need grown-up help, at least with the little pieces that keep the spiral from collapsing. It's been one of AJ's favorite toys for nearly 6 years, so we've definitely gotten our money's worth out of it.

flutter said...

totally acceptable

Bibliomama said...

Just consulted my engineer husband. He said you go with whatever resources you can muster. We have a set from Discovery Toys that I love -- I've played with it at least as much as the kids have.

Jennifer (ponderosa) said...

Duct tape solves nearly every engineering problem on the planet. So says my son.

painted maypole said...

it's not unsporting... it's resourceful!

(my dad has a really great set he picked up for a few bucks at a garage sale.. but it's plastic. are you against plastic? this isnt' his set, but it's similar: http://www.amazon.com/Original-Classic-Marble-Run-68-pc/dp/B000WBGBDM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1265766192&sr=8-1)

shrink on the couch said...

Better than acceptable - it's creative and shows resilience!

1A said...

You bet, but only if you post pictures.

Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels said...

hey, as long as it works, all's fair ;-)

Unknown said...

As an owner of this exact marble run I give my permission for all manner of improvised building materials. We actually use a set of regular blocks in conjunction with the marble run. It works much better that way.

Julia said...

Well, you know that Little Guy's favorite substance in the whole world is duct tape, and HE would say that everything works better with duct tape.

He just went through two rolls last night. If only it hadn't involved walls and wooden floors...

Anonymous said...

duct tape and popsicle sticks are required when using old tp and pt tubes, which is what we do at my house.

mayberry said...

Heck no, that's called creativity. Plus, you're extending the life/play value of the toy. Environmentally sound!

Woman in a Window said...

duct tape duct tape DUCT TAPE!
just for the fun of it!