26 March 2012

Math Work

I found this on my bedside table when I went upstairs last night. While I could pull apart the logic (if you'll have money leftover, why don't you ask for less than $60?) and I'm not interested in anyone, much less my eight year old, spending $85 on a bed and bedding for an American Girl doll (especially given the cluttered-pigsty condition of her room), I do appreciate that she showed her math work.


Patois42 said...

Oh, yes, you must give her points for showing her work.

mayberry said...

Points, too, for pointing out that she showed her work.

Anonymous said...

Also, very impressive and complicated (with hoops!) math work.

alejna said...

As usual, I'm impressed by the workings of her mind. I'm also wildly impressed by her cursive! I didn't think they still taught cursive in school.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

If you were any easier a mark . . .!

Controlling My Chaos said...

I love that your daughter showed two different ways to do the math. I was most impressed by the jumping on the number line to explain her work. She's very convincing, don't you think?