17 September 2007

Sick Chickens

I have a little sick chicken today. We went to a friend's house for a "playday" yesterday, and after little more than an hour Miss M. decided abruptly that we had to go home. She hunkered down on the couch with Noggin and was quickly asleep. Shortly thereafter I realized she was hot. Despite repeated doses of acetaminophen, the fever didn't break until about 8 this morning. Around the same time, I discovered that she had an all over rash. So, off we went to the pediatrician. They took one look at her and said "strep". Quick culture confirmed it. Poor thing is asleep on the couch again.

I feel terrible that we were at someone's house just before she showed any symptoms, because she was likely contagious.

But here's the question: why is it that I think sick chickens need junket? Was there some old advertising slogan along the lines of "junket is for sick chickens"? Or did I once invent that in a feverish moment? Or did my mother make it up?

I thought of making her some junket - but I think I may make rice pudding instead.

Edited to add: Junket is a brand name for a rennet tablet. It's used to make a dessert by coagulating sweetened milk. Rennet is also used for cheese making.


niobe said...

I've never tasted junket. And rice pudding always reminds of the A.A. Milne poem What is the matter with Mary Jane?.

But I hope your chicken is not-so-sick soon.

OhTheJoys said...

I have never heard of Junket. Rooster has the croup... should I try it?

Aliki2006 said...

What is junket? Is it a type of jello concoction?

I am so intrigued...I was always told jello helps sick kids--not sure why, though.

S said...

Yes, jello, and flat coke. Why flat?

Oh, and chicken soup with rice, of course.

Girlplustwo said...

poor baby. poor you (poor soon to be sick playdater)....

painted maypole said...

Don't know much about Junket, but sounds like she needs lots of sleepand a mama's love.

Pinky said...

This morning when you said you had a sick chicken, the first thing that popped in my head was "Junket!" I'm sure our mother made it up.

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of Junket. Thank you for the education. I hope it tastes better than it sounds...

Meanwhile hope your sick chicken is feeling better.

BipolarLawyerCook said...

toast and flat ginger ale was always the remedy in our house-- that and chicken bouillon, or hot jello. (I shudder now to think of all that sugar, but at the time, I am sure my mom was just thinking of making us keep down fluids.)

hope your chicklet feels better soon...

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

oh that stinks. i admit, too, i never heard of junket before. hope your little chick is on the up and up soon.

Suz said...

I've never had junket, but our sickie food was always tea with milk in it, angel tea. I hope that the baby feels better soon.

pinknest said...

junket, how interesting! that, and rice pudding, sound comforting to me.

Mad said...

I swear that strep is going around the blogoshpere. I hope she is feeling better soon.