07 July 2011

To Be Not Alone

I've been wondering to myself why I bought a ticket for BlogHer again this year. I've never been to San Diego? That's part of it. The swag? Really, I don't want any processed food coupons, thanks. The cocktail parties? Oh, they're fun, but I've got better wine at home.

Clarity descended in the form of a post by Maternal Dementia - who was writing on the heels of attending a blog conference in England:

...to be in the company of others who, finally, understand why you blog...there’s a huge sense of connectedness – and relief – when you think to yourself, that’s just like me and oh, I’m not alone.

That's it. That's why. It's the meeting of the tribe.

Are you going to be there?


Bon said...

i am! and i am looking forward to seeing you again.

also, i may begin a new career in processed food coupon art. so there's that. ;)

Janet said...

No, but my friend Megan from A Girl Must Shop will be there. Look her up!

mayberry said...

Yes! Can't believe it's almost time again.

Liz Miller said...

I've never been, and I want to go. Next time it's on the east coast, I'm going.

FreshHell said...

Nope. Too far, too expensive, and I'll be at the beach.

Kyddryn said...

Alas, no...short of mortgaging a kidney or Selling Casa de Crazy (which, not going to happen, because I need the former and the latter wouldn't fetch enough to purchase a tube of toothpaste in today'smarket, let alone tickets to anything), there's no way I could afford to go. Also I am shy and agoraphobic. Sigh. Have fun...

Shade and Sweetwater,

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I am going to be there! We have to make sure we meet. What day do you get in? I am not staying at the hotel because Suzy Soro from When Hot Comes to Die will be staying at my home.

The party thing is not what I'm looking forward to--it is meeting people like you!

shrink on the couch said...

Will not be there. It's the sacrifice an anonymous blogger must make ;) I also shy away from crowds of people I don't "know" although it would be great to meet so many of the bloggers I have gotten to "know," like yourself, for instance. hope you have a great time.

Varda said...

Yes, yes, yes. Looking forward to seeing you there! (Although going to California to have the time to hang out with a New York friend is just another example of how crazy my life has gotten at this point in time.)

Oonie said...

I wish I were. Thanks for wandering over to my blog and commenting (I love that we have a town picnic too--it's crazy cute, with wheelbarrow races and potato sack races and tug-o-war...the whole nine yards). Enjoy BlogHer and SD!

Kyla said...

I wish I was in some ways, the two years I went was such fun, but it seems like a lot of those friendships have been lost in the evolution of the blogosphere, so I don't know if it would be worth it anymore.

Stimey said...

It's really nice to be around your people. That's why I love BlogHer. I can't go this year, which is really, really sad for me. Have a great time!

Unknown said...

i like that "the meeting of the tribe" i wont be there but hope to some year.

Lady M said...

I'll be there, can't wait to see you!

AnnetteK said...

Nope, I wish I could. You completely hit the nail on the head why I want to though. Maybe I'll have to start saving now for the next one. I'd love to hang out with you again.

MDTaz said...

Yes, to be with people who understand this compulsion of ours is very reassuring. The Cybermummy conference had to be my fix this year; I cannot justify the time and cash to attend another conference just on the heels of that one. But I'm hoping to be at BlogHer12. I'll be thinking of you all. Enjoy the west coast!

Dagmar said...

I'm going, even have a sponsor (Swaddle Designs), and can't wait. It will be the first time away from my little son and quite an adventure. Let's definitely find the time to have coffee before. My roommate will be Annie from PhDinParenting, which will be so much fun.

Dagmar's momsense