03 August 2007

Friday Snark and Anti-Whine

It's hot, I'm cranky, the email server at work is screwed up and I had to fire someone today.

The Times had a box on the front page announcing that they were cutting the page width from 13.5" to the "national newspaper 12-inch standard", but that this would mean "somewhat fewer words per page". How many fewer? 11.11%? That's a lot less news that fits to print. Or maybe they'll print the same amount of news, but take out every 11th word?

Gelsey Kirkland's lips are even worse in person than in photos.

Anti-whine: My favorite sandwich shop has bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches back on the menu - because it's August and there are great local tomatoes available. Yum.


Anonymous said...

I still can't get the NYTimes to deliver after our move so am only reading online. Thanks for the notice that it was downsizing... USA Today did that awhile back so it is probably about time.

Maewen Archer said...

Fresh, local tomatoes make up for so many grievances.

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I hope the sandwich helped.

niobe said...

Maybe, as Robert Frost almost said about happiness, what the Times lacks in width, it will make up for in height.

Anonymous said...

gelsey kirkland. haven't heard or read her name in a while. i guess she's still botoxed up to look like merrill ashley.

S said...

The Times is not what it used to be.

There! I sound like my mother!

S. said...

I HATE firing people. I hate more than anything else I ever have to do. You so have my sympathy on that one.

(But isn't such a relief when they're gone?)

pinknest said...

i've heard rumors they're going to open a wichcraft in my office building! do you know how dangerous that would be?!