26 September 2007

Sick Chicken Update

My sick chicken is all better - she's even finished with her antibiotics, and required no junket.

But, I now know why sick chickens need junket: Because Mr. Hippity says so.

There was an eccentric pair of 1960s singer/songwriter/story tellers - Jim Copp and Ed Brown - who put out a series of self-produced records in which they included sound effects, hand-drawn art work, a pop-out cardboard theater, and a general goofiness. And we had at least one of the records in the house when I was a kid - though my younger sister remembers it better than me, and she still has that original LP.

Anyway, armed with a few search terms tossed out by my mother (Copp, Brown, Gumdrop Follies), I dove into Google and found that the records are still around - on LP, cassette tape and/or CD - direct from the original publisher. And, I found a gloriously peculiar site for collectors and fans of weird music, the forum archives of which pointed me towards the correct song: Mr. Hippity's Pull Toy - in which Mr. Hippity believes that his chicken pull toy is dying and requires Junket for a cure. And so, I ordered a CD copy of A Fidgety Frolic, and await its arrival to share with my formerly sick chicken.


Julie Pippert said...

How cool...don't you love sharing pieces of your childhood with your kids?

And glad she's all better. :)

Using My Words

Aliki2006 said...

I'm going to have to check out that website. We own three record players and way too many LPs and I'm always searching for more...!

Tabba said...

don't you just love stumbling upon something that was such a part of your childhood, but yet gets pushed to the far corners.

then out of the blow, you stumble on it. blow the dust off of it and can share it with the newer generation.

i think it simply delicious.

Tabba said...

out of the *blue*


painted maypole said...

fidgety frolic? I love it. YOu must report back on whether it is as fun as the title and cover art suggest.

niobe said...

How did we ever survive those dark days of the pre-Google era?

pinknest said...

how crazy! sounds like a fun site.

MadMad said...

God bless Google, I always say... what on Earth did we do without it?

Unknown said...

Finally, someone who has heard of 'Jim Copptales'! My sister and I put on a play as kids, and one of the sketches was a reinactment of Mr. Hippity and the Red Balloon. I have been trying to find the record, in my moms garage now I will buy the cd if I can. Thanks!