18 October 2007

13 Bears for Thursday

I don't know what possessed me to count the bears, but there are thirteen of them. Thirteen! Is that good luck or bad?

Top Row, Left to Right

  1. Night Bear (in night cap)
  2. Pinky Teddy (given to me for her, at my baby shower, by my sister, Pinky)
  3. Purple Bear
  4. Kiki
  5. Ginger Bear (a gift from an erstwhile neighbor of my mother's, named Ginger)

Bottom Row

  1. Brown Bear
  2. Ganny Bear (lifted from Granny's house)
  3. Roofus (in the red shirt, a giveaway from Habitat for Humanity, hence the idiosyncratic spelling)
  4. Sparkle Bear (with wings and star, his fur is a little sparkly)
  5. Pink Bear
  6. Tiny Little Teddy
  7. Butterfly Bear
  8. Brown and White Bear

Pink Bear and Brown Bear used to go to school every day for nap time - they've been mended so many times that they look like Frankenstein.

Tiny Little Teddy used to be a teething object - frequently completely saturated in spittle. He's never been the same since.

Sparkle Bear is a Beanie Baby. He used to have a companion, a white bear with (I think) Mississippi embroidered on it (or maybe Louisiana). I sent the companion to Iraq. The problem is, she still asks about that missing bear. Oops.

Butterfly Bear was a baby present from some neighbors down the hall in our NYC apartment. We didn't know them much beyond hello in the elevator, but I think of them often because of the bear.

Not only do I know the provenance of each of these bears, I know all their names. How is it that my head has room for all that clutter?


Cynthia said...

My daughter would be in heaven...There is so much stuff in my brain, I don't know why!!!

jenn said...

How precious. Happy TT!

Joyismygoal said...

the mind can bare a lot:>

alejna said...

That is an impressive line-up of bears. And most impressive that you know each of them so well. (I can imagine if I were to name them: Bear, Bear, Bear, Other Bear, Bear 7, Bear With Shirt 2...)

My head stores lots of surprising clutter, too. I seem to have quite a lot of room for food memories.

There are many times when I wish I could choose what my brain holds on to. Like the details of articles I read for my research. Instead, I remember the act of making hollandaise sauce in 1990, or what I had for dinner at a restaurant 5 years ago.

andrea_frets said...

Being born on Friday the 13th, I think it is a luck number. And the bears are very sweet.

Bethanne said...

It's gotta be your nature! Good for you. I don't remember stuff like that. Now, I can remember my best friend's phone number from 20 years ago... but that's something entirely different! Great TT.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind having that much bears :-)

pinknest said...

this is hilarious. i love the fact you know the provenance of each bear.

Anonymous said...

Cute :) I used to have a stuffed seal named kiki.

Happy TT!

Julie Pippert said...

I like 13, usually. And IMO you know all that because it is easy and pleasant to know. I find I don't know things that are somehow a challenge for me.

Using My Words

painted maypole said...

it is clutter that is important to your daughter, and it connects you to the people who loved you and her enough to give a bear. I have the same thing... except my daughter keeps changing their names!!

niobe said...

And they all have different names.

When I was a child, I had two stuffed monkeys. One was named "Monkey." The other was named "Na* Monkey."

*Meaning "another"

Anonymous said...

I have a collection of stuffed lambs that, even though my kids don't need them anymore, I can't get rid of! This is a sweet TT!

Anonymous said...

Too cute!

Janet said...

That is a lot of bears! I'm impressed that you know so much about them. We have a boat load of the suckers too, but I only remember the details of whichever one currently has the coveted bed time spot.

Aliki2006 said...

I think it's wonderful that you have all those bears and remember them all. I have some ridiculous sentimental attachments to some of my stuffed animals and I remember lots of details about them, too.

Beck said...

We have so many teddy bears here that I snapped and bagged up two garbage bags full. Too many teddy bears!

BipolarLawyerCook said...

I am a firm believer in bears. I only have two, and one is on loan to a friend who's having a hard time. The only unlucky number when it comes to bears is none.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh Magpie, this shot just made me giggle. I'm so impressed that you know so much about each one.

Anonymous said...

They look as though they might be conspiring on some minor evil project, like steeling the honey from your pantry.

flutter said...

The things the mental rolodex can hold onto are truly amazing :)

Anonymous said...

I was born on the 13th and have always held that it is pure luck. I still have boxes in my basement of the 13 year old's special toys - I remember all of them and can't seem to give up that wonderful time in his life.

Tink said...

I used to collect bears. Now I only have the special ones left. I'll never part with them!
Thanks for visiting my fungi slideshow TT.

Kellan said...

Very cute. I hold that same sort of clutter in my brain (?). See ya.

Anonymous said...

oh very cute teddy bears. happy ww

Anonymous said...

How adorable. Thanks for sharing.