10 October 2007

Breast Fest

I breastfed my child for two years and 364 days, and we haven't got a single picture of her nursing. It's not that we kept it a secret, it's more that we're inclined to forget to photograph much of anything.

However, the League of Maternal Justice put together a montage of many many mama-baby pairs, to remind the world that breastfeeding is normal and right, not dirty, and that nursing mothers should be proud, not shamed into hiding in closets. Because Bill Maher is an ass, and Facebook sucks, and Applebees ought to be hauled into court.


Fingers To Toes Photography said...

It's hard to believe that we sometimes forget to take pictures of something that was so much a part of our lives - at least at one time - I know I did, with my son as a baby, now I remember but I miss having those baby pictures to look at!

Mayberry said...

I know -- 32 months here (over 2 kids), and not a single photo! How sad.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I didn't take pictures either! And I breastfed for 26 and 30 months respectively!

Anonymous said...

I nursed all 3 of mine and doubt I have any photos of that time. So sad! Good for those ladies for nursing!

Maewen Archer said...

Yay! I managed to get away without any pictures either -- I guess it was so routine, I didn't think about it (no one takes pictures of me cooking dinner, either).

And I have to say, three years? You are a rock star :)

Julie Pippert said...


I was just commenting that photos of me are rare anyway (due to it simply NEVER occurring to husband to take any photos of ME) so nursing me photos might be extinct (as if they ever existed).

I nursed 2 kids for about 4 years.

I know.

But I'm loving the breast love going around. ;)

Using My Words

S said...

No pictures of me either, though I nursed for 22 and 14 months, respectively.

Anonymous said...

I like that idea - that it was so normal, no pictures were taken much like no one has taken a picture of making dinner. I loved breastfeeding both of mine. The image is seared into my brain of my baby, nursing, and reaching his tiny hand up to gently touch my face. And then holding him as he slept, his sweet breath milk gently puffing. It is such an act of love, it infuriates me that anyone can look at it as anything but that.

Liz Miller said...

What a great video!

Janet said...

There are a few crappy pictures of me nursing, mostly taken by mistake, but one I really tried to make artistic and beautiful.


I wish I had tried harder. I think it's a beautiful moment between mother and child.

painted maypole said...

i love the one where the baby looks all drunk with milk! ;)

wow, that is some power nursing you did !Good job!

Anonymous said...

I had to take a special picture - glad we're still nursing so that I could! I had tried before, but they were all fuzzy. Did get me thinking though, if there are other regular things that haven't occurred to me that I should be taking pictures of...

that and the fact that facebook and Bill Maher both have serious issues.

Aliki2006 said...

Good for you!

I only have two lonely photos of me breastfeeding...why? I don't know, but it saddens me.