16 October 2007

Guest Curator

My friend David, a former colleague and accidental brother, blogless at present, sent me the following email. You might want to watch these clips at home, not the office cubicle. And I'd start with the second one, though I completely understand why he led with the first. And don't blame me if you get an earworm out of it.

Subject: Pepto Bismol audition (A Chorus Line for our times)
  • A mockumentary?
  • The original British commercial (great ensemble work).
  • Hip hop version (it's got a beat and I can't help but dance to it).
  • I'm totally jealous of this.
  • Attack of the dyspeptic monsters: (as seen on your TV, an instant classic).


Her Grace said...

That, right there, is why the Internet was invented.

Very nice, thank you.

MadMad said...

Now just what did we have for dinner.....?!!!
(Though that rap one with the kids killed me!)