04 November 2007

Butter Tarts

A couple of weeks ago, Beck mentioned some butter tarts, and followed up with the recipe. I was intrigued; anything called butter tarts sounds good to me. Apparently they're some kind of Canadian treat. And since I have a Canadian sister-in-law who had a birthday not so long ago, I figured that butter tarts would be a perfect thing to make.

The recipe called for corn syrup. Not having any in the house, I trotted off to the supermarket to get some. The bottle of Karo corn syrup was emblazoned with "With Real Vanilla". Hmm - I don't remember that corn syrup had flavor added. So I read the label: corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, vanilla and salt. Damn HFCS is in EVERYTHING - even corn syrup. But nearby on the same shelf was Lyle's Golden Syrup - a pure cane sugar syrup - nothing but cane sugar syrup. So I bought and used that instead.

And, those butter tarts were FINE. They are very sweet, and maybe could have used a touch more salt in the filling, but splendid none-the-less. I left out the raisins. They are rather like pecan pie without the pecans.

And the Canadian? She said they were better than her Grammy's. I thought that was pretty good validation.


Tabba said...

Mmmmm. They look absolutely delicious!

Anonymous said...


Sunshine said...

That is totally mean to talk about them and not post the recipe!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh wow, my stomach actually growled when I saw those ....

*le sigh*

Bea said...

I definitely like them better without the raisins. Mmmm. Now I want one.

Girlplustwo said...


flutter said...

they look like ones that this canadian dude i used to date used to make me

Beck said...

Yaaay! I'm so glad you liked them!

alejna said...

I've never heard of butter tarts, but I bet I would like them. Those look and sound so very yummy.

Melanie D. said...

Better than Grammy's, now that is a compliment.

I'm impressed, you are a culinary genius! Great picture.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you cruel thing!


BipolarLawyerCook said...

I am not a chocolate fan . . . but pure sugar? Mmm. Bring it on. I've always wanted to bake these, thanks for blazing the trail!

MadMad said...

Oh, I'm psyched! I've always wanted to know what these tasted like!

pinknest said...

oh wow, how interesting!! and delicious sounding. I LOVE pecan pie "filling," so this sounds like something i'd love.

Anonymous said...

Those little crusts look yummy. I think adding pecans would be a wonderful thing, too.

Cynthia said...

Wow, they look yum! I have never heard of butter tarts...I hate high fructose corn syrup, it's in everything!

Julie Pippert said...

I always have corn syrup. You must not ever have constipation in your house. ;)

See? medicinal, not baking LOL.

Those look delish.

Using My Words

niobe said...

Maybe I could just eat the crust and leave the filling for those who like pecan pie.

dawn224 said...


My stomach is growling for them too.

Isis said...

Mouth is watering.

I agree re the flavor-added stuff: too weird; stick with the real thing.

Anonymous said...

I am said sister-in-law and have passed the secret ingredient info on to said Canadian Grammy. She was thankful for the tip!