27 November 2007

It's All About The Pegboard

Julia Child in her kitchen:
My mother in her kitchen:
And you know what? They both went to Smith.


Anonymous said...

That is just uncanny.

I am reading *Julie & Julia* just now. Have you read it? A nice, light read.

Cynthia said...

Love Julia...best cookbooks ever!

niobe said...


painted maypole said...


Waiting Amy said...

Very neat! (they almost have the same nose, hmmm)

Julie Pippert said...

WOW. Just...wow! Yes, that IS uncanny!

Using My Words

meg said...

I love Julia Child. Watching her make an omelette is something I have never forgotten.

BipolarLawyerCook said...

Mt. Holyoke alums don't need pegboard. We have enough cabinet space. : p So glad you are a daughter of a seven sisters alumna! Explains why you are sensible, smart, and funny.

flutter said...

Oh the kindred spirits!

josetteplank.com said...

Whoa! That's pretty amazing.

I love me some pegboard.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who this Julia Child chick is (does that mean I have to hand back my mother membership?) but she looks just like my mother!!! Freaky!

And your mum, she just looks so lovely. Like I would want to have a cup of tea and a chat with her. And I hate tea!

Beck said...

I need a pegboard in my kitchen!

Anonymous said...

My mom went to smith too! And she too, is into peg board.

Anonymous said...

Coincidence? I think not...

nonlineargirl said...

Hmm, my mom went to smith too, but no pegboard.

Julie Marsh said...

Wow! Two things I wish: that I went to one of those Seven Sisters (oh, who am I kidding? I would have flunked out.) and that I could cook.