06 February 2008

Bloggity Blog Blog

Yesterday's crossword puzzle included the clue Dictatorial, to which the answer was BOSSY.

Is it a sign that I'm spending too much time in blogland when my reaction to this was Oh, how sweet, our BOSSY has made it into the Times crossword?

I've had a few more little awards, which warm the cockles of my little heart. Really. I'm becoming a sentimental fool. So without further ado, I'd like to pass them on and warm the cockles of some other people's hearts.

Slouching Mom gave me the E for Excellence. I hereby pass that gift along to Oh, The Joys and BipolarLawyerCook and Niobe and Flutter and I Won't Fear Love, because they are all excellent.
The Smile came to me from Where's My Cape. Some of the folks who make me smile regularly are Best to Keep Your Eyes Open and Derfwad Manor and Mayberry Mom.
And the roar came from the funny Mad Mad Housewife. That one can only go to one person: the inimitable Jen of One Plus Two - who roars out powerful words with grace and passion and finesse.
And last but not least, Julie kissed me! So I pass along the Mwah! to BeanPaste and Exurbitude and Ozma and Irish Goddess and Mystery Mommy and Painted Maypole and Poot and Cubby and Slouching Mom and Aliki and I could go on and on and on but the linking is getting tiring. If I didn't mention you, I love you anyway!

Cheers all around! And the navel-gazing is over, for the nonce.


S said...

That's kind of funny -- because it was I who passed on the mwah to Julie, and now you've passed it right back to me.

Will I get mono, LOL?!

Congrats., well-awarded lady.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Woot woot! Congrats on all that bling Magpie. And I love SM's comment. Heh.

Mayberry said...

Aw! You make me smile too, especially when you use words like "nonce."

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I'm again running out of internets (just kidding) but I look forward to checking out all these other blogs!

Anonymous said...

Aw shucks, thank you!


flutter said...

Oh thank you honey!

BOSSY said...

Linky lurve is an excellent thing. By the way, if Bossy were ever featured in a crossword puzzle the hint would be 'Gaseous'.

niobe said...

Oooo you're so sweet.

Anonymous said...

This is like a whole bouquet of flowers - just the thing in the midst of a very gray February.


Melanie said...

I rarely accept kisses from Internet strangers, but I'll make an exception in your case.

Girlplustwo said...

you goddess of linking, you.


Aliki2006 said...

Thanks so much for the kiss, I'll treasure it!

Don Mills Diva said...

Congratulations on all your awards!

Mrs. G. said...

I am honored and grateful to have made you smile. I know many of these other lovely bloggers, and I look forward to meeting the others. Thank you.

Jen said...

I would think the same thing - Bossy is famous!

painted maypole said...

oh, thank you so much. i needed a big kiss today.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's too funny -- I would have thought about the Bossy blog, too!

Victoria said...

There's another Bossy other than internet Bossy? Say it ain't so.

MUCHO thanks on the gift, my friend. I've enjoyed getting to know you these past few months. Thanks!

Julia said...

Thank you.
And so much well-deserved bling for you! Nice!

Suburban Correspondent said...

I thought the same thing when I did the puzzle and came to that clue, and I wondered if I were possibly the only NY Times Crossword Puzzle Doer to whom Bossy would mean a certain intrepid blogger.