29 February 2008

Report Card: English

Name: Miss M.
Age: 4 and a quarter
Grade: Pre-school

English – Poetry
Rhymes with abandon

What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Miss M:
Snap crackle pop with granola on top. Hey, pop and top rhyme!

English – Vocabulary
Able to use four-syllable words when one will do

Yesterday, she described a strawberry as gargantuan, when big would have been more than acceptable.

English – Grammar
Budding stickler for the proper use of language

Miss M. to her mother: I don’t want you to lay, to lie down with me.

English – Handwriting
Capable of writing name, largely unprompted

This sanctioned bragging brought to you by the Parent Bloggers Network and Jenifer Fox.


Life As I Know It said...

Looks like you have a future English major.


Anonymous said...

Ha! Excellent. Even I can't remember the difference between "lay" and "lie" and I WAS an English major.

the dragonfly said...


I am seriously impressed.

Anonymous said...

I sanction bragging about kids every day. Always brings a smile.

kathy a. said...

omg, genius! seriously. but also teh cute.

susan said...

You've just got to love a kid who loves words. Wonderful!

Anonymous said...


Rima said...

I love her name!

My almost four and a half year old corrects my grammar all the time, but she's usually wrong.

Jess said...

She's a budding genius!

flutter said...

She is totally brilliant.

Mayberry said...

See? Smart little monkey. I am very proud.

painted maypole said...

that's one smart girl you have there. and a post in the form of a report card? I may have to steal that for a future Monday Mission

Anonymous said...

Enjoy it while it lasts. Soon she will be rolling her eyes and correcting the grammatical response to stubbing your toe.

Anonymous said...

"Rhymes with abandon" totally cracked me up! Methinks your daughter may have inherited her sense of humor from you (not to mention her brains).

Aliki2006 said...

Brag away! I am truly impressed...!

Julia said...

Nice! Gargantuan. Very very nice.
There is a rhyming game in the Jump Start World, if you care for that sort of thing. Monkey plays that sometimes.

Mine started correcting my English prononciation. Hi-larious and predictable, since she has musical ear and I have an accent. She isn't being mean-- it's because she herself is just learning all these words that sound similar but not the same, except I can't always pull off the not the same part.

thrice said...

OMG, Miss M would have a field day with me! Too cute.

Cynthia said...


the mama bird diaries said...

Wow. She is a smart little gal.

niobe said...

I would totally brag about all those things too.

Aunt Becky said...

Wow! Smart cookie!

lilypotter said...

What a smart little lady you've got there! You deserve to brag and be proud!

Very Mary said...

The English teacher I am just shed a little tear of delight!