At least once a summer when I was growing up, we dug out the old-fashioned hand-cranked ice cream maker. My mother would assemble the base, and the kids would take turns crushing ice and sprinkling rock salt and cranking cranking cranking. When it was done, some lucky soul got to lick the dasher, and then the whole caboodle got wrapped up in a wool army blanket to wait until dinner was over.
Sometimes we'd make peach ice cream, but more often than not, we made tutti-frutti. It wasn't actually called tutti-frutti in the original recipe - the Times called it "fruit ice cream" - but we always called it tutti-frutti. It's a mutt, a mix of lemon, orange, pineapple and banana. It tastes a little like bubblegum, but in a good way, and if you offer a taste to someone and ask them to identify the ingredients, they often can't - it's one of those things where the mix takes on a life of its own.
This recipe makes a huge amount - if you've got a one or two quart ice cream maker, you probably want to make a third or a half.

3 cups milk
3 cups sugar
1 ½ cups heavy cream
1 13 ½ ounce can of evaporated milk
1 t. grated lemon peel
¾ cup lemon juice
2 t. grated orange peel
1 ½ cups orange juice
3 ripe bananas, mashed
1 ½ cups undrained canned crushed pineapple
Ice cream maker (and ice and rock salt if it’s an old-fashioned one)
- Heat the milk and sugar, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Add the cream and evaporated milk, and chill the mixture for at least a few hours.
- Mix all the fruit ingredients together, and chill.
- Pour the milk mixture into a prepared ice-cream maker. The container shouldn't be more than three-quarters full to allow for expansion.
- Set the machine going (or start cranking) and freeze for about 30 minutes or until the mixture is partly frozen. Add the fruit mixture and continue to freeze until the machine slows or stops.
- Eat.
Oh happy memories---we used to make that at my grandparents lake house. Also pistachio, with pudding, ice cream. Yum
Screw Amanda Hesser -- you should be writing the Recipe Redux column.
Actually, didn't I read that she's quitting the Times anyway? Make your move!
I've always longed for an ice-cream maker. maybe I'll ask for one for my b-day and make this recipe--it sounds wonderful!
Okay. Now you're just taunting me. Look, it's not my fault that I can't get my ice cream maker to produce ice cream.
OK, looks like I will have to add an ice cream maker to my list of must-haves. :-)
What a waste I am. We have two vintage icecream makers and have never used them! You put me to shame...
I have awesome memories of making coffee ice cream with my grandmother. Yum.
ooooooo ice cream
I can still taste the homemade peppermint ice cream that my parents made. With real chunks of crushed peppermint. On a hot summer evening, there was nothing better. make it sound so puts me to shame! I am only good at getting it into my mouth!
we haven't used our ice cream maker in years -- guess it is time to put the freezing thingy in the freezer, to take advantage when the icy-muse strikes.
you posted it! :)
and ooooh... licking the dasher. the memories!
File away for when I am not routinely failing glucose readings. Cause this? It even looks delicious. But it is also making my beta cells quiver with fear.
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