20 June 2008

Sumer Is Icumen In

Today is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, which means that summer has officially begun. Memorial Day is the "it's okay to wear white shoes" day, not to mention the "it's time to starting drinking gin & tonic" day, and lots of kids are already out of school, but this is it, folks. The summer solstice is the real deal. Time to wiggle your toes in the long grass, nap in a hammock, make iced tea by the gallon.

To celebrate, we're giving away some kid's bathing suits - actually, I'm not, I'm just the conduit for Lands' End. There are two sets - one for a girl, one for a boy. Each package includes a bathing suit (tankini for the girl, board shorts for the boy) along with a rash guard top (for body-surfing) and a beach towel. Leave a comment by Monday 6/23 and tell me if you're interested in the GIRL or BOY package. We'll do a random pick on Tuesday. And please, make sure I can find your email address somewhere (on your site, in your profile or in your comment).

Of course, if you're a glass-half-empty sort of person, you know that from here on out until the winter solstice, the days will be getting shorter and shorter. Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?


Pinky said...

Boy. Please. Thanks.

FreshHell said...

Girl! Many thanks! (Size 7)

FreshHell said...

(oh actually - size 8; I'll save it for next year if I win....)

MsPrufrock said...

I'm one of those weird people that hates that it is sunny at 5am and still not dark by 10pm. Give me back those no-sunrise-until-7.30am mornings any day.

I'm such a miserable cow.

niobe said...

Thanks for the link. I couldn't understand why today was the solstice -- which I always thought happened on June 21. Now I feel, um, enlightened.

Mayberry said...

Way to end with a buzzkill there! Although it is easier to get kids to sleep when it's not still light out at 9 p.m. ...

RuthWells said...

All boys, here. Thanks for sharing!

Don Mills Diva said...

I would love a boy set please!

S said...

Are you kidding? BOY, BOY!

Aunt Becky said...


Robbin said...

Oooh. I am interested in the boy one. I have a redheaded boy of the burning-skin type who has a swimming addiction.

Now where's that hammock?

kari and kijsa said...

Either would work!! boy: size 5, girl, size 10 How fun to win this- we could really use a bit of great summer gear!!

kari & kijsa

Life As I Know It said...

This is my favorite day of the year - I thrive on as much daylight as possible ;)

And I'd love a BOYS set!!

Queen Goob said...

That is so funny! I usually remember this day but things have gotten away from me lately. Even funnier, I made some iced tea today for the first time in months. LOL

Awesome Mom said...

Yeah it is rather depressing to think that the days will be getting shorter from now on. I would love to win the boy bathing suit.

susan said...

girl! (and this reminds me I need to buy a new suit for me, too).

Anonymous said...

You do realise that it is NEVER OK to wear white shoes?


Antropóloga said...

Of COURSE I want to be in the running for a little girl suit. I think about buying those Lands' End rash guard suits all the time but can't get over the price. Wish me luck!

the mama bird diaries said...

girl please.


Bette said...

Hurray! Bring on the sunshine!

Stacey Moore said...

i have started christmas shopping!!

i have a girl and a boy so i would be thrilled to win either set :)
thanks for such an awesome contest!
moore.g at insideconnect.net

Jess said...

boy! Please! My six year old is trying body-surfing for the first time this year - and loving it!

Stephanie said...

I'd like the girl set! The rash guard is such a great idea ...and that beach towel is so bright and fun!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me for the boy set please. thanks!!

I am adding you to Mommies United!

painted maypole said...

summer solstice, whatever. The day after my B-day, i call it. ;)

tankini for The May Queen, of course. ;) and how on earth do you get hooked up to be a conduit for Land's End goodies?

thrice said...

Boy, please.

S said...

oops, i forgot sizes.

either big boys M (10-12)

or little boys M (6)

Anonymous said...

Girl! Or boy! Or girl! or Boy! Actually, the girl needs it most.

So..girl. And YOU go girl!

(she's 4)

Woman in a Window said...

How do you folks get these gigs? Friend's in Land's End places, I guess. A girl's size 7 or 8. (Here's a secret, I love the winter solstice. So glad we're headed thataway. Makes me giggle. thanks for that!)

Anonymous said...

Boy, boy, boy! Love those Land's End suits.

Guess my kinds will be up FOREVER tonight, huh? Firepit and s'mores, anyone?

kkmorello (at) mac (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Boy please! Yeah for SUmmer!!!


Furrow said...

Hey, hey. Just made it. GIRL! thanks, babe.

And it starts getting pertty hot here in early May, so it's crazy to think that summer just started.

Very Mary said...

I hope I'm not too late! Girl!