12 July 2008

Evidence that the World is Small

The newsletter from my CSA this week included a recipe from one of my favorite cooking blogs.

And the Times ran a front page story about community supported agriculture.

And while my CSA wasn't in the Times article, my sister's was. And the farmer at her CSA is married to the daughter of my high school flute teacher.

It's a small world.


Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I love it when that happens.

Julia said...

Wow-- impressive.

Sunshine said...

I just figured out that a blog I've read for a long time, he worked with my BFF from high school for years (up until she just moved). WEIRD!

Also, being in an Ag state, we have farmer's markets a couple times a week during the growing season but I just found out that very soon a farmer's coop is being formed and everything in it will be locally grown, year round, all the time. I'm totally excited and buying into the coop starts at only $100. Count me in!

MyThreeBlogs said...

It's amazing how that stuff happens! I love it!

I find that even here in NYC it's much more small town than you'd think. I see the same people on the subway all the time & then even bump into those people in different parts of the city! It never ceases to freak me out.

S said...

yes. yes, it is.

Catherine said...

This is my first summer with a CSA and I'm loving it!

Anonymous said...

This is what I call, a beautiful coincidence! *wink*

Maude Lynn said...

Pretty wild!

julochka said...

there are no coincidences.

what does CSA mean? i can gather that it's a weekly box of veg, but can't make any words go with that. :-) at least not any english words.

Furrow said...

My CSA was recently featured on a local news channel. It's really catching on.

Anastasia said...

Thanks for those suggestions, I’m going to pick up my barrel from Tuthilltown tomorrow so I’ll start the process soon.