29 July 2008


I took last week off of work so I could putter around my house and put away all of Miss M.'s accumulated artwork.

They'd done a unit studying the human body, drawing pictures and learning songs about the various organs, like:

Kidneys clean and filter blood,
Filter blood,
Filter blood,
If one fails and is a dud,
The other one does the job.*

Well, one of the things I put into the permanent archive was a life size cut-out of Miss M.'s traced body, with découpage organs and crayon enhancement.

She did a reasonable job of getting the organs in the right places (kidneys on the back, even). The belly button - that spot with the radiating purple lines - is kind of where the belly button belongs, even though it's north of the large intestine (and let's not discuss why the liver is vertical). But the most intriguing thing to me is that walnut-sized brown spot to the right of the belly button.

That's the egg what I was born out of.

Apparently, she's figured out that there are eggs inside her mama, even though her daycare teachers swore up and down that the reproductive system was not on the human body agenda.

Maybe she'll be a reproductive endocrinologist. After all, she is a test tube baby. And she seems to have an innate sense of anatomy.

*To the tune of Mary Had A Little Lamb. It slays me every single time she sings it.


flutter said...

she sounds like such a doll

Rima said...

That is one kick-ass decoupage body!

RuthWells said...

I may have to adopt Miss M!

Melissa said...

It amazes me sometimes what the kids know. But she is totally brilliant, right, so who's surprised here? :)

the dragonfly said...

I was thinking what Melissa said, that it's amazing what kids pick up on. Good for her! :)

Anonymous said...

That's the egg I was born out of...okay that made me laugh out loud!

Janet said...

That is my new favourite song.

S said...

watch out for that one, she's clever...

Anonymous said...

I see a career in medicine, or forensics, in her future!

MyThreeBlogs said...

OMigod! That kidney song cracks me up!! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

you've got a little-growing-genius right next to you....*wink*

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I think she has a better grasp of anatomy than I do.

Ozma said...

Hey, and she was a test tube baby? I might be having one of those if I'm lucky.

Ozma said...

Oh, my other comment didn't make it up there. I was going to say that I am impressed by her skills. And by your school!!! How old is Miss M?

Queen Goob said...

You have a test tube in your tummy?

That is one FABulous découpage; Andy Warhol would have cried tears of joy over this.

krysta said...

i think that it's awesome that she said that. smart kid.

Kyddryn said...

Oh, good grief, I may have to borrow this project for our home schooling!

Also, those lyrics fit to the tune of London Bridge, as well.

Shade and Sweetwater,

laurie said...

Smart kid! And cool art, too...;-)
Thanks for your kind comment over at my blog - I don't think we have to have experience the worst in order to connect and feel community!

Aunt Becky said...

I love her! She's my hero!

Woman in a Window said...

Very pretty innards!