27 September 2008


1. According to today's Times, the Palin/Planned Parenthood "campaign" has raised more than $800,000 for Planned Parenthood. That, people, is real money.

2. I made a few calls about the housecleaner's daughter. I spoke to a friend of hers, someone she worked with at Kennedy Airport. The friend confirmed that there's a raffle to raise money; the catch is that the tickets are only available at the airport. I emailed the airline to see if there was some other way, because if I schlep out to Kennedy, I want to end up on a beach somewhere. I haven't heard back yet. I also called the lawyer - who, it turns out, used to live in the same building we used to live in. He was kind, and said that she'd just been letting people know. I haven't yet sent her a check, but I will, as soon as I get paid.

3. In some miracle, which I attribute to the stresses of kindergarten, the child has begun going to sleep in her own bed with a minimum of fuss nearly every night. Will wonders never cease? (I probably shouldn't have said that.)


Anonymous said...

Still...that poor woman.

Mayberry said...

Kindergarten IS very tiring.

Kyddryn said...

You're a good woman, Mizz Magpie.

Here's hoping the little one finds that she really prefers sleeping in her own bed after all, because now she can stretch, wriggle, and roll about without running into some obtrusive grown-up.

Shade and Sweetwater,

Anonymous said...

Exhaustion is a miracle worker, isn't it?

Sweet dreams to all of you!

painted maypole said...

sleeping in her own bed? better than the ottoman, I guess! ;)

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Thanks for the update. At least having Sarah Palin in the race is acclompishing something positive.

flutter said...

you are a serious good egg

Marmite Breath said...

Can you teach my dog how to stop jumping up into my bed? He won't listen! My kids, they don't listen either, but they don't spaz out when my feet touch them.

Woman in a Window said...

Magpie, good on you for helping out where help is due.

cactus petunia said...

Seems like things just may be looking up on all fronts.
Yee Ha!

Gwen said...

hey, some of that pp money is mine! Or, uh, was mine.

I hope, for your sake, the child continues to enjoy the comfort of her own bed.

nutmeg said...

Rowan keeps falling asleep at the dinner table! You'd think she sat on her bum all day last year or something. What are they doing in these classrooms, heavy lifting?