16 October 2008

A Little Bit of Hope, and Food

Thank you all for coming by and commenting yesterday. As a result of the 44 comments I received on yesterday's Blog Action Day post, I put a check in the mail to the Food Bank for New York, in the amount of $44. (And yes, that includes $3 because Painted Maypole commented three times, and spare dollars for a couple of other multi-commenters!)

Extra thanks to Jennifer (ponderosa), who pledged to match my $44 with a gift of her own to Neighbor Impact (the feed-the-hungry program in her Oregon town).

And extra credit to Alejna and Ilina and Kyddryn for jumping in and making similar posts, and to Julie for Twittering about mine, and Catnip for Stumbling it.

Bit by bit, we can keep trying to make the world a better place. Bit by little bit.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That's great...

Kyla said...

Well, I didn't know we could comment multiple times!

AnnetteK said...

Mwah! Of course, if I'd known I could comment more than once...

cactus petunia said...

Wow, can't think where I was yesterday! Sorry I missed it. I'll contribute extra to the Oregon Food Bank in December when I send in the proceeds from the art sale at Camp Cactus
( http://campcactus.blogspot.com )

S. said...

My brain was dead from the kiddo being home yesterday. Good for you for the challenge!

Anonymous said...

Bummer! I was behind in blog reading and missed the action!

shrink on the couch said...

Aw dang. I missed it. fine time to have a busy work day : (

But job well done!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Sorry I missed. Bit by little bit is the way it goes.

Kyddryn said...

Thanks for the inspiration, Mizz Magpie!

Shade and Sweetwater,

painted maypole said...

$3. I would like to think that I've done my part, but really, YOU'VE done my part. So thank YOU.

Woman in a Window said...

You are a cool woman. Wish I would have been present for it all but I suppose that doesn't stop me from doing my own thing, right?