27 October 2008

Your Questions Answered

So, here's the answer to twelve questions*:

emma said...Okay, tell me the story of how you met your husband and how you knew he was the one you wanted to marry.

He was working with my best friend from college. I went to visit her in her office, and she introduced us. The three of us ended up going out for Mexican food, and that was that. BUT, the getting married part? He had to twist my arm.

Mayberry said...If you could live anywhere in the US--ignoring family/career/financial barriers--where would it be? Would you stay in NY?

I feel a strong urge to be near the edge - specifically, near the Atlantic Ocean, like the beautiful coast of Maine.

Ree said...Here's a question - what is the sweetest thing your husband has ever done for you?

Buying me a first generation iPod was the cat's pajamas.

Furrow said...Are you annoyed by people who are not on time (for meetings, family gatherings, etc), or are you rarely on time, yourself?

I'm usually on time (often early), and I am vaguely annoyed by people who aren't.

FreshHell said...Question: favorite foods and least favorite foods - what are they?

Least favorite = seafood and mushrooms. Most favorite = cheese and breadstuff. And wine. Does wine count as food?  Oh, and potatoes.  And tomatoes.  And bacon.  And any form of dessert involving lemons as the main ingredient.

Janet said...Does he often do things like that?

Like sending poetry to my cell phone? No. Once upon a time, he was a poet and an English major; maybe texting will be the new frontier of poetry for him.

Library Lady said...Since you don't like eggplant, what DO you like to cook most of all?

I love cooking things that involve flour - like pie, pastry, dessert, bread.  I guess, technically, that's not cooking, it's baking.

Irish Goddess said...If I paid him, could your husband send me emails and/or texts like that once in a while?

I'll ask him!

painted maypole said...can your republican father do anything about the religious right and their crappy campaign that makes it sound like the US will fall apart in the next 8 years? yeesh.

Alas, I don't think so. But I don't think you really expected an answer...

Jennifer (ponderosa) said...What's your house like? Do you love it?

Our house is tiny - two bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, an unfinished (but very useable) cellar. It's stucco, with dormers, and it's very sweet. The first floor has high ceilings, and there are lots of windows - both features make the smallness seem less so. We learned recently that it was a kit house - built in 1920 from pre-cut lumber from Gordon-Van Tine - I find that charming.

Kelley said...Breakfast for dinner. Crime against humanity or full of awesome and win?

Awesome win, and often practical. Omelets make a great dinner - and what's an omelet but fancy scrambled eggs? My grandfather was a proponent of waffles and baked beans, which became a family joke.

Ozma said...Is it hard having a Republican parent if you are not Republican?

Nah. We agree to disagree. Besides, there are plenty of other things to argue about - like the Yankees. I hate the Yankees.

*Twelve = Six times two. So I'm considering that I'm off the hook for the next time someone tags me for six random things...


needleinahaystack said...

Under the category of "some of my best friends are Republicans"....really she has some "Republican friends". No joke. Though personally, the way all of them are behaving, I think we need a new third party.

FreshHell said...

Speaking of trying to behave myself, Ms Palin will be ONE BLOCK away from me in about 45 minutes. Too bad I'm not a gun owner. Instead, I will hide in my office and wait for it all to be over. One. More. Week.....

Aunt Becky said...

One More Week, indeed. How I cannot wait for this to be over...

Maude Lynn said...

I love breakfast for dinner! Think I'll pass on the baked beans with my waffles, though.

Mayberry said...

Your house sounds like mine, except (given where we are) we have a little more room. But it's also stucco, has dormers, and is c. 1919.

nutmeg said...

Our similarities are endless. Although I feel nothing either way about the Yankees.

shrink on the couch said...

I do not like cooked mushrooms, but I love raw in my salad. Ditto brocoli. Like it raw, hate it cooked.

Girlplustwo said...

i like your style, lady.

Kyla said...

My mom is a Republican and it is TOTALLY an issue. I believe she is wondering what in the world she did to screw me up so badly. Heh.

Anonymous said...

Breakfast is my favorite dinner.

Anonymous said...

Your Grandpa is awesome. I love me some baked beans and hash browns.

cactus petunia said...

Potatoes are my favorite food...and I'm with ya on the Yankees thing: Hate 'em.

Woman in a Window said...

Flour is magic dried out. Breathe into it and it can become so many things.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the answer!

painted maypole said...

i love the interview format! ;)

and you're right, I didn't really expect an answer. i wish there were one. sigh.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Breakfast for dinner is definite comfort food.

niobe said...

I love the idea of a house from a kit.

Mad said...

If you move to the coast of Maine, you'll be really close to me so I heartily suggest you do that.

BTW, we turned our heat on in early October. As of now, Miss M is wearing Miss M's winter coat, so, uh, thanks once again.

The Library Lady said...

Is it a Sears house? Lots of them in my area though I can't afford one, boo-hoo!

Breakfast for dinner is big in my house too--especially fritata and biscuits. Though a friend of SC's thought it was weird when I gave them pancakes and bacon. Weird but cool!

Baking satisfies some inner urge in me too. Right now I am sorting through my mother-in-law's cookbooks and the baking books are begging to be used...

Am I doing okay? said...

I really enjoyed your spin on this meme.