02 December 2008


In case you’re wondering, the shark in Jaws

is the cousin of Bruce in Finding Nemo.

And yes, this means that my husband was watching Jaws with our child. Oy.


Vodka Mom said...

oh sweet jesus. Or should I say, "Holy shark bait, batman.." ?

Mental P Mama said...

Good luck getting bathtime going....

Aunt Becky said...

I'm 28 years old, right? And I STILL haven't seen JAWS. I'm too afraid.

True story.

Anonymous said...

Geez..... I remember seeing Jaws and to this day the music still bothers me! I'm sure he talked her through it and made it all very funny right?!? :-)

Kirsetin Morello said...

Seriously?! Maybe Jaws isn't as scary as we remember - the graphics in Sponge Bob are probably scarier now, right? You can tell yourself that anyway; I'll back you up!

InTheFastLane said...

good luck with bathtime :)

shrink on the couch said...

hubby needs a big jaws bite in the ass.

Marmite Breath said...

WAAH, I'm too much of a chicken to watch Jaws.

Tonight I had to explain to my kids about The Shining and why it was so scary that Joey from Friends had to keep it in the freezer. Of course, they don't watch Friends, so I had to show them the YouTube clip from where Joey and Rachel trade books (Little Women and The Shining) and it was so funny. But then talk about The Shining made Hadleigh put her hands over her ears and say, "I don't want to hear this!"

I hate scary movies.

Marinka said...

That doesn't sound right. The Jaws shark is so much older. Maybe it's an uncle?

Liz Miller said...

I think you're gonna need a bigger bed.

Gwen said...

The *ugly* cousin, obviously, that no one ever wants over for the holidays because he's such a bloody pig.

And yes: Oy.

FreshHell said...

Oh dear. I find Nemo much scarier than Jaws. But that must be the Disney influence.

Anonymous said...

*laugh* But I love Bruce so much more!

Anonymous said...

When I was completely insane and cried all day for four months after my second child was born, oh and it was a snowy December - March, my son watched Finding Nemo about, oh, say, four times a day. For four months. I could recite the whole movie for you. Anyway.

He called the shark, "Booshanga." He was just two, and instead of putting "Bruce" and "Shark" together in his head the way he should have, he put them together in such a way that they came out of his mouth as "booshanga."

To this day, in my family, we call sharks "booshanga."

Alrighty then. Thanks for giving me that opportunity to take a little walk down memory lane.

Oh. And your husband is insane. I can't even watch Jaws and I'm 41. I hope he's in charge of nighttime wakings due to nightmares!

painted maypole said...

love me some SHARKS!

Janet said...

Is Jaws making a comeback? My son played the music from it on the piano yesterday and then said he wants to see the movie.