20 May 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Lilac

[This isn't the standard garden lilac - it's got much smaller leaves and a more open flower structure, and while it smells wonderful, it doesn't smell quite the same. But it's lovely, none-the-less. I think it's Syringa microphylla, the littleleaf lilac. But it came with the house, and I don't know for sure.]


S said...

i like it better than our (standard) lilac: http://twitpic.com/5k80e

Life As I Know It said...

I think we are finally going to buy a lilac this year...we've only been talking about it for the past 5 years.
Yours is beautiful!

niobe said...

Lilacs and mint always remind me of our red house on Cypress Street, where we had lots of both growing in the yard. We moved away when I was eight, but when I think of home, that's still the place I see.

EarnestGirl said...

Even though it is wordless wednesday, I went and slurped up a great many of your words. (this is how I read blogs, in big doses and fits and starts. I eat like this too. Cravings and grazings) Anyway, thanks for lilacs (lovely) and asparagus (tasty) and lions (regal). Only sorry not to see the up the kilt shot, but the tutu almost made up for it!

Kyla said...

Quite lovely.

Anonymous said...

yes, the individual flowers are so long they almost resemble honeysuckle, right? I have two of these and they are just about ready to bloom now - probably after this week of sun. The fragrance is not as potent, which I prefer.

Unknown said...

Pretty. (someday I want a garden.)

Woman in a Window said...

Oh god, lilacs of any sort, why do they hurt my heart so?

shrink on the couch said...

I really really miss lilac bushes. I grew up with several beautiful ones, white and purple, in my backyard. Now, in Texas, the closest we have is Crepe Myrtle which has no scent. Wah.

The Library Lady said...

I always associate lilacs with Mother's Day. When I was little we used to drive to a farm in Westchester County owned by someone my parents called "The Pig Lady".
She had tons of lilacs for sale and we would come home with huge branches that we would keep in the bathtub until Mother's Day for my grandmas.

I bought myself a small bunch in the farmer's market the week before Mother's Day. And I've ordered a lilac bush that is called "Josee" and is supposed to repeat bloom. Where I will put it, I don't know--but I really wanted to have it near the house!

MARY G said...

I have one a lot like this which was sold to me as a Japanese Lilac. Butterflies love it.
There are wonderful lilacs in bloom all over Colorado just now. Dark, dark purple ones. It's a surprise to me that the bushes thrive at these altitudes and dry conditions. I love every one.