14 October 2009

Wisdom and Knowledge

There is something magnificent about the (biblical) slogan above the entrance to the RCA Building, also known as 30 Rock or the GE Building. Alas, wisdom and knowledge have been denigrated and are no longer held in esteem. When wisdom and knowledge are again admired, will stability return?


Vodka Mom said...

THAT is something to think about.........

Unknown said...

One can only hope.

Mental P Mama said...

I'm sure counting on it.

flutter said...

I suppose we would all have to agree on wisdom and knowledge. I hope we can.

painted maypole said...

oh, we can hope so.

and as a bible reading religious person I'll take this opportunity to say that I fear that it seems that many bible reading religious persons ARE NOT possessors of wisdom and knowledge.

IzzyMom said...

Is that the same building wacko Glenn Beck thinks has communist messages hidden in the architecture?

Your sophomore year roomie said...

I do think people admire wisdom (when they slow down enough to recognize it), in part because it's such a rare thing.

But perhaps wisdom isn't valued because:
a) as a culture we have become ahistorical. People don't look back, and therefore lack perspective (and wisdom);
b) we live in a culture of youth, which values what is new and fresh, rather perspective and insight;
c) we overwhelm ourselves with new input, rather than processing the input we have.

YourFireAnt said...

I'm not going to answer your rhetorical question, but it is making me think.

Thanks for posing it.


The Library Lady said...

Just read a comment in the NY Times quoting Studs Terkel's response to why Ronald Reagan was so popular:
"Because he made it okay to be stupid."

We finally have a really smart president again. But I'm afraid that the dumbing down of American continues to progress.

Furrow said...

Perhaps when those who do still value wisdom and knowledge find a righteously angry voice to combat the loud ignorant voices, then stability and sanity will return. I don't know about you, but I'm feeling pretty steamed.