24 June 2010

By The Numbers

1 first kiss (in front of Tiffany's)
2 cats (Slinky and Yoyo, one of whom was named after a toy, and the other after a cello player)
2 apartments (on 78th and 88th)
1 memorable dinner at Le Pré Catelan (with fireworks for a stranger's birthday, and an argument about asparagus)
1 irascible child (the 6 1/2 year old)
1 little house (where we live now)
4 cars (the little Ford, the intrepid Saab, the workhorse Jeep, and Kate)
3 wedding rings (because I "needed" two, one in white gold and one in yellow)

What do these add up to? Our fifteenth wedding anniversary.

[And honey? No crystal, because it just gets broken, and no watches, because the cell phones have obviated them. Rye Playland with you and the girl will be just fine.]


Nadine said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

And Rye Playland sounds like a fantastic way to celebrate!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!

Janet said...

I thought that said 1943 and I was like...but you're younger than that!

mayberry said...

Happy anniversary!

slow panic said...

happy anniversary!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Happy Anniversary!

No cell phone will ever replace my watch for me, so my husband is free to gift away.

RuthWells said...

Aw, happy happy to you both!

Liz Miller said...

Happy Anniversary!

Julia said...

I was thinking, "It's been THAT long already?" but then I thought, "They've only been married THAT long?"

Happy 15, and many more.

Life in Eden said...

Happy Anniversary! It will be 15 for us this fall too. Sometimes it feels long, others not so much. Hope you have a GREAT day!

Gwen said...

Anniversaries abound. Hope yours is very happy.

Anna said...

Hmmm....Maybe I need two wedding rings...Happy Day!

alejna said...

Happy anniversary!

You may be glad to know that I did the math, to make sure your numbers added up. (I like the way you did that.)

I love your comment about the cat names! (And now I'm trying to imagine a cello player named Slinky...)

kathy a. said...

have a fabulous day! happy 15!

The Homesteading Hussy said...

Good call on the Playland over the crystal. I'm with you on that choice.

apathy lounge said...

Happy Anniversary!! We just had our 24th!

Rima said...

Congratulations! Fifteen! That's nothing to sneeze at!

nonlineargirl said...

Happy anniversary to you and yours!

heidi said...

Happy Anniversary!!! And that first kiss... was there a line preceding it about Breakfast at Tiffany's? That would have worked on me too. xoh

The Library Lady said...

Mazel Tov! But dang, I wanted to be the 15th to congratulate you :P

We had our 16th this year. Though for living together we're on our 21st year. And we've know each other 32 years. Gads, we're OLD!

And it's probably been 32 years or longer since I've been to Rye. My camp used to take us occasionally, and one unforgettable hot 4th of July we went to the fireworks there. Remember it as being pretty chaotic.

shrink on the couch said...

1 happy
5 anniversary


Lady M said...

Happy Anniversary!

Frogs in my formula said...

Happy belated anniversary! Wow, 15. Congrats!

painted maypole said...

this is a great idea. I might do this for our anniversary in a few weeks.