29 June 2010

Still Lifes

One of the comments on my daughter's end of year report card was that she makes up great stories, but gets bogged down in illustrating them at the expense of getting the words on paper. I think she tends towards visual description, rather than written.

Periodically, she finds and commandeers my camera, and days later I discover a set of photos she's taken without my knowledge. Not long ago, she shot about 25 pictures in under 10 minutes, probably while I was upstairs getting dressed in the morning.

I'm intrigued by her eye. I cropped this picture at the bottom, because (in my opinion) there was too much table top in the shot, but it's otherwise as she framed it side to side and along the top.

The original, uncropped, is on Flickr, along with the rest of the series - which includes a few goofy self-portraits, and some where the hand of the artist is visible manipulating objects. We signed her up for a week long "Seeing Stories" class at the nearby art theater media lab; I hope she eats it up.


FreshHell said...

Lovely! I'll have to look at the rest. Dusty has always been drawn to the camera and now has her own digital one. She's taken hundreds of photos. That class sounds like fun.

Janet said...

I hope she enjoys it too!

Jennifer (ponderosa) said...

I'm envious of the art theater media lab! Can't wait to hear about it.

kristin said...

My daughter gets the same comments on her work..and also takes my camera and phone and returns them with full memories, exhausted batteries and random pics!

painted maypole said...

i'd like to go to that class with her.

Julia said...

You might try getting one of those recorder devices to add to an iPod, so that she can dictate stories to go with her photos. Then she could capture the flow, without getting bogged down. The writing will catch up some day.

Vodka Mom said...

I think that having a great "eye" just comes naturally- and she obviously inherited her creative talent from her mom.


susan said...

Cool! My camera ends up with lots of those sorts of self-portraits, too.

I'm particularly taken with how many times she shot The Secret lives of Lobsters.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

She is going to love that class. I, too, love how she was rearranging and shooting the book.

Your house--at least in her pics--is lovely.

shrink on the couch said...

ah, the inconvenient thumb!

mayberry said...

I love how she tried to capture different aspects and perspectives - very cool. The class sounds ideal!

Bibliomama said...

Maybe the teacher needs to examine her unreasonable prejudice for words over pictures. *sniff*

Stimey said...

Awesome! Also, what IS the secret life of lobsters? Do they have parties?

Aren't digital cameras the best? Imagine if we still had film cameras.

Betsy said...

M, she is truly, truly talented.

Kyla said...

She's got a great eye.