06 September 2011

Where Have I Been?

Where have I been?

Excellent question.

Short answer: in the car

and at the beach.

Longer answer:

The girl and I went to Newport for a night, and then to Cape Cod for two. My sister-in-law rented a house on the Cape for the entire week – and invited various family and friends to come share in its ocean views and easy beach access. Of course, we could only spend two days there, sob, because school started today – which meant leaving the Cape on Labor Day, thank you very much and yes it took us umpteen hours to get home yesterday, with so much traffic that I was able to take pictures in the car and track my progress via Foursquare. The beach was fabulously glorious, but next time, we really have to go for a week so as to amortize that horrific traffic thing. That, or win the lottery and fly in by private plane.

Still Life #1 –

Still Life #2 –

Someday maybe the kid will learn how to take off her clothes and not leave them in the middle of the floor. On the other hand, I loved the inadvertent whimsy of the piles so much that I had to take pictures. Then, of course, I had to sweep up the sand.

But, school! Huzzah, hooray! The girl was completely excited and a little nervous about the first day of third grade, and I failed to take a picture because, well, it was raining. She was totally color coordinated in purple and blue, and thrilled to be in a class with the boy she’s been planning to marry since PRESCHOOL. Thrilled to the point of blushing. Gah.

I can't believe it's September already.


Carol Steel said...

Love the photos of dropped clothes! They are so "in the moment" and wonderful, the stuff of memories!

Mental P Mama said...

Love those clothes! And, yes, either go in the middle of the week or stay longer. That Bourne Bridge is the devil. I know how adorbs she was! I can just see it!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

The pictures are great--good for you for making lemonade out of lemons!

The boy my daughter planned to marry in Kindergarten seems to have come to no good; thank goodness she also realizes it! I do feel bad for him as his family has totally neglected him and let him down and he was such a fun kid.

mayberry said...

That flip-flop picture is hilarious. Glad you had a good trip, if short.

De said...

We were on the Cape when Obama was at the Vineyard, ergo there was no flying, ergo do not go mid-August.

I also love the photos. Enough that I want to jack the first one, frame it and out it on the brick wall in my sun room.

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's like she just melted or something!

YourFireAnt said...

That's the girlie in the photo in the car? She's growing up!


leanne said...

Love the photos! And too cute about the blushing girl. When my son was in kindergarten, there was a girl who wanted to marry him (her mom told me one day -- she thought it was cute that her daughter had decided to marry my son but hadn't told him so). The kids were apart in first grade, but now back in the same class in second grade. No word yet if she still feels the same :)

Frogs in my formula said...

Cape Cod traffic is MISERABLE. I feel your pain, though it looks like you had a great vacation. And yes, September already??

Imperatrix said...

Great still lifes, Magpie!

Kyla said...

KayTar's future husband is at a different school this year and she sure misses him!