04 September 2018

Tabbouleh, variant

My mother's stock in trade dish for the annual Labor Day potluck was always tabbouleh. Bulgur, mint, parsley, olive oil and lots of lemon juice.

Yesterday, I needed a side salad to go with some pork chops. I had a little bit of bulgur, a half a can of chickpeas, and a cucumber, so I whacked together a tabbouleh variant. I posted a picture on Instagram, because it was cheerful, and someone asked for the recipe. There wasn't one. So:

Tabbouleh with Chick Peas

  • 1/3 cup of dried bulgur
  • 2/3 cup boiling water
  • 1/2 can of rinsed chickpeas
  • handful of cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1/2 a cucumber, chopped
  • 1/2 a sweet red pepper, chopped
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • handful of parsley, chopped
  • handful of mint, chopped
  • salt
  • pepper
  • 2-3 T. olive oil
  • 2-3 T. white wine vinegar

Put bulgur in a bowl, add boiling water and cover. Let stand for 10-15 minutes. Drain if necessary, and return to bowl. Add all other ingredients, and mix. Taste and season as necessary. If you want to be fancy, chop the onion and soak it in the vinegar while the bulgur is steeping. That'll take some of the bite out of the onion. This is enough for four people as a side dish.