15 April 2007

Quick Pasta

Gourmet used to have a column called Five Ingredients (or something like that), where the schtick was recipes with no more than five ingredients. My all-time favorite is a pasta with asparagus and lemon - using pasta, lemon zest, asparagus, olive oil and parmesan (and salt and pepper). It is delicious, but it is a little complicated, despite so few ingredients.

But I think I've found a new winner - hardly any ingredients AND almost no work AND fast! It's City Mama's pasta with tomato butter sauce - and it's great. I think it's going to be a new staple in the house, the stick of butter notwithstanding.


Stefania/CityMama said...

That stick of butter makes it, doesn't it? Seriously, you can't use any less!

Phantom Scribbler said...

How would it be without the garlic? My husband is allergic. Sigh.