24 September 2007

Monday Mission: "Dear John"

Dear Skechers,

When we got together a couple of months ago, I thought you were great. We fit together well, you complemented me, and you were game to go everywhere I go. But then, you started to flag in your support for me. I think there’s something wrong with you, the way that you just kept slipping away from me. And then, I caught you on the subway, with an elderly woman. It was then that I knew things were over, and you weren’t the shoe for me.


[This post is a Monday Mission - today's was to write a post in the form of a rejection letter. There's more at Painted Maypole.]


S said...

Hee hee. An elderly woman? The kiss of death.

theflyingmum said...

Uh oh, I have those exact same shoes - but for work. They really don't thrill me as much as my ridiculously mannish Born loafers, though. The old woman thing is, I'm afraid, the nail in the coffin.
Also, I have once again cropped my header, if you get a chance to take a peek at it, let me know if it's still sticking out on the right.

painted maypole said...

ha ha. yup, seeing your shoes on the elderly is frightening. unless they are the very hip elderly. say, if Helen Mirren were wearing my shoes I'd throw a party.

Funny, I took a picture of myself throwing away a box of crayons, but it never made it into the post, because that would mean turning on the OTHER computer. ;) Am I lazy, or saving electricity. I go with the environmental excuse. ;)

Thanks for playing along!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh now that's funny. Maybe she was just a really hip granny?

theflyingmum said...

Errrrgh! The banner!
Thanks , though.

flutter said...

That was a seriously hip old lady though...

Anonymous said...

At least they weren't on an old man.

Jen said...

Okay, running to my closet...

Rima said...

Oh, no! I love those shoes! How very disappointing. Was it one of those forty-ish grandmas? 'Cuz I could totally deal with that.

Anonymous said...

Are those Sketchers? I had those. Three months after I got them, I got a whole in the toe. That did it for me!

Anonymous said...

Oh, DUH! Now I just read the very top of your post...

niobe said...

Buh-bye shoes OF DOOM!!!!!

susan said...

ha ha!! Politica always says I wear old lady shoes.

Mad said...

Ah, whatever you do, never look at my tired ole orthotic dependent feet. It's a scary sight.

I wish you better luck with your next shoe purchase.

MadMad said...

Those darn old ladies! But just out of curiousity... how old we talkin'?

BipolarLawyerCook said...

Danskos. Lots and lots of Danskos. Especially red suede ones. : )

Anonymous said...

It's so shocking when relationships end this way. You think you know someone, and then BAM! they're running around with someone else. Or in this case, probably not actually running. Ambling, perhaps. There wasn't a walker or cane involved, was there?

Ozma said...

I have this horrible problem where I can't throw shoes away. So I'm just jealous you were able to do that.

I love the way they look. I so understand the whole elderly thing. Y'know my love of black has been severely scarred by an older kind of frumpy woman I saw regularly using it to hide her plumpness. Black. Not cool no more. Is that not horrible?

pinknest said...

lol! and in the trash they go, just like that, huh? hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.. so should I be concerned that my 76-year-old grandmother and I have similar taste in shoes? Yes, yes, I believe I should.

(When I first read your post, I thought you had tripped ("caught you on") an elderly woman with your shoes. I thought you were tossing them because they made you do evil things.)

Tabba said...

oh, they look too cute to be in the trash.

i guess a walker makes the perfect accessory to this type of shoe.

who knew? i sure wouldn't have guessed.

Julie Pippert said...

Hey, I think they're cute. My five year old has some brown suede and pink lining Hello Kitty ones.

What size are yours, since you're ditching them and all...?

(It has often been suggested ever since childhood that I am a crotchety old lady begging to get out...)


Using My Words

Anonymous said...

Hilarious post!! Too funny. Isn't that the worst?? So funny... I would have done the SAME thing.
- Audrey
Pinks & Blues

Melanie D. said...

That is hilarious. And made me giggle. So thanks for that. Me and my crappy mood needed it!

NotSoSage said...

Oh, ya, it's so TOTALLY over. Sad, isn't it?