09 September 2007

Stunted Growth

It's a good thing we joined the CSA, because I'm apparently not much of a farmer. As evidence, I give you this photo: the sum total of our carrot crop this year.I'm not sure what possessed me to grow them in the first place. I don't much like carrots, and Miss M. doesn't eat them. But she came home from school one day last spring with a plastic cup full of dirt and one sprouted carrot. I dutifully put it in the ground in the herb garden, and the next thing I knew, a packet of carrot seeds jumped into my hands at the garden center one day. I think we'll not try it again.


S said...

Oh, what sad little carrots!

flutter said...

They're kinda cute though....

susan said...

They look just like our carrots, which we have decided to let grow a little more. Maybe you picked them too soon? (or are we delusional that ours will grow more?)

Anonymous said...

oh my god, those are the cutest little carrots ever! Useless, perhaps, but adorable.

Isis said...

The thing is, garden carrots are the sweetest little root veggies you'll ever taste....

Thanks for the card btw.

Girlplustwo said...

i think they are kinda cute, sister.

jo(e) said...

I can't grow carrots here either because the soil has too much clay in it.

It makes a cute photo though.

painted maypole said...

that is better than our carrot crop last year... and better than ANY of our crops this year. The vegetable garden was a bust - and something is taking off with our canteloupe, too. I think we got about 6 radishes this year. Last year we had so many bell peppers we were giving them away, cutting them up and freezing them, AND eating them at every meal. sigh.

niobe said...

I think they're pretty much all the runts of the litter. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Suz said...

Oh no..I thought they were radishes at first! Still, some our our sad green peppers could give them a run for their money!

Awesome Mom said...

They are cute but also a little sad. Do you have a raised bed to plant them in? Maybe next year if you try again with some lighter soil.

Anonymous said...

That is a very funny photo. They are cute little things, with so much character.

Jennifer (ponderosa) said...

I thought they were radishes at first, too!

We had pumpkins volunteer out of the compost I made -- they're lovely vines with great big flowers but as for the pumpkins, they're not even an inch in diameter! And tomorrow is likely to be our first frost. So, so sad.

MadMad said...

I think they're kind of cute, actually... Maybe that's what carrots are supposed to look like when they're not covered in lead paint, or whatever it is they're using these days...

Maewen Archer said...

At least you tried -- that's more than I did this year. They are cute little guys, even if you can't do much with them.

Anonymous said...

We have a tomato plant with ONE tomato on it. We were carefully watching it get just a little bigger every day, and waiting for it to turn red.

And then the toddler picked it, sniffed it, licked it, and threw it into the grass, never to be seen again.

So. I'm impressed by the carrot crop.

Katie Zeller said...

LOL! That's exactly what happened with my one and only carrot crop here. The ground is clay and they just can't push through. The neighbor farmer told me to dig a deep v-shaped trench and fill it with sand....yeah, right! Carrots are cheap!

Anonymous said...

I think they make a very interesting photo, though.

Furrow said...

Can't you just call them "baby carrots" and sell them at a premium?

Antropóloga said...

Totally hilarious. Poor darlings.

NotSoSage said...

Damn. Furrow beat me to my comment. Good thing I checked!

BipolarLawyerCook said...

See, if I got those out of the ground, I would either a) sue the seed provider for uniformly substandard seeds, or b) contact the local ag. extension office and claim to have invented a new hybrid. But that's just me-- cranky _and_ grandiose!

BOSSY said...

Bossy thinks your crop may have Carrot Envy.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

oh my, you have me giggling out loud. i'd hate to see how your radishes turned out!

Anonymous said...

Sad, but very, very cute! My kids would love them.