12 October 2007

Friday Fluff

This morning, in the four blocks between the subway and my office, I saw the following:

  • A small boy in a stroller, wearing a Yankees cap inside out, so that the logo was visible but backwards. I couldn't decide if the cap was inside out as a way of making it fit better on a little head, or as a "damn you, Yankees" gesture.

  • An old woman, smoking a cigar that smelled like a pipe. It reminded my of my grandfathers, both of whom smoked pipes from time to time. Why is it that the aroma of pipe tobacco is so pleasing and evocative?

  • A young man, probably in his early twenties, striding up the sidewalk piloting a radio-controlled car ahead of him. It was almost like his dog. I did think that he was a little too old to be playing with toy cars.
And then, I found this when I got to my desk. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of tobacco smoke. Especially cigarettes, but there is something about a pipe that I find oddly comforting.

Furrow said...

The old woman with the cigar reminds me of when my granny used to use snuff (or dip, as it's also called), which she called her "medicine." I liked the smell of it and the pretty little box she carried it around in. I'm surprised I never snuck some for myself.

Julie Pippert said...

I like the list of all you saw. So cool.

Was the boy old enough to do that to his cap himself? Say, two or up?

If so, I'd take it as Toddler Rebellion more and less a statement (although I prefer the statement LOL).

At Park Street T (in Boston) last week some moron thought yelling, "Go YANKEES! SOX SUCK!" was smart. I hope his short life was a happy one.

Using My Words

painted maypole said...

- my guess is he was stubborn and insisted that was the way it went, and his mother chose not to argue. That's how those sort of things happen in my house
-my uncle smokes a pipe, and yes, I agree
-nothing to say about the car

Janet said...

I had *no* idea you could play Flight of the Bumblebee on the accordian. Carpal tunnel anyone?

Rima said...

I'm with you on the smell of pipe tobacco. It's yummy! But I imagine it would taste like crap.

S said...

Re the accordion piece: Holy Cow!

(as Phil Rizzuto would say)

Girlplustwo said...

it was a damn you yankees gesture. it had to be (and not just because they totally BLEW THE PLAYOFFS either)

Suz said...

I can't imagine letting a Yankee's logo touch the heads of either child, inside out or otherwise, so I agree with Julie about the act of Toddler Rebellion. I also fully realize that my feelings on the matter mean that the twins are likely to be diehard Yankee fans when they're old enough to have the choice. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

I like the smell of pipe tobacco, too. I'd say it makes me nostalgic, but I don't know what for. My grandfather smoked a pipe, but I think he stopped before I was around.

Goodness, that accordion player had fast fingers.

Speaking of amazing instrument manipulations, have you seen this ukele player? (Found via the Skwib.)

MadMad said...

I don't think "boys" every outgrow those radio-controlled toys...

Aliki2006 said...

Thanks for the smile--I especially liked the clip!

Blue Zebra said...

I love your musings Magpie! :D Did you find out why the little boy's hat was turned inside out? :D


thirtysomething said...

Men never grow up when it comes to toys, just their toys get bigger and more expensive!
I agree with you on the smell of a pipe.
Cool idea, this friday fluff...might do that myself!

pinknest said...

i was just talking about pipes, and how i used to go smell my dad's old pipe all the time when i was a child!

Beck said...

There IS something so oddly nice about the smell of pipe smoke, isn't there?