14 October 2007

Rock, Revisited

The rock has been returned to its brethren, though it appears to be the black sheep of the family. It is now residing in a stone wall outside my house, and it will be there for all eternity, or until the wall falls down again, at which time someone will wonder why the erratic was engraved with the name of a law firm.


flutter said...

love it.

S said...

looks good to me, baby!

MadMad said...

OK - you got that rock mailed to you just so you would be able to use that word someday in proper context, didn't you?! 'Cuz when else would it fit soooo perfectly? I love it!

Anonymous said...

Good thing I wasn't drinking anything or I'd have to clean off my computer. Thanks for the giggle.

thirtysomething said...

Heh. I nearly choked, for the second time today (also while reading a post). Very very cool.

painted maypole said...

that was the best thing to do with the rock! fantastic!

Snoskred said...

That is so cool!

I was watching a tv show the other day where these people were rebuilding a castle in Italy that was all made of rock and it had fallen down a hill, they tried to use every original piece of rock they could find instead of using new rock. I can imagine that happening a few hundred years from now, the wall falls down and they put it back together without the rock because it seems like it must have turned up from somewhere else.. ;)

Probably just in front or just behind that wall, you should bury a time capsule that has both these posts printed out, to explain it to generations in the future.. ;)


BipolarLawyerCook said...

Good corporate swag makes good fences makes good neighbors?

Janet said...

A perfect ending.

Furrow said...

Yeah, I'd love to be around in a thousand years to read the article hypothesizing the ritual significance of that stone in the wall.

Anonymous said...

I'm back, and it still makes me laugh.

niobe said...

I love happy endings.