12 June 2008

Relay Redux

Last month I mentioned that my sister will soon be doing her third Relay for Life, to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Well, she started with a fundraising goal of $1500, upped it to $2500, and has now passed that goal with $7 to spare, just in time for the event tomorrow.

From the bottom of my little black heart, thank you.

* * * * * * * * *

I'm burnt out. I just hit "mark all read" in Bloglines, because I just can't read any more right now. It's not you; it's me. I'll keep posting (because I love the new ability to schedule posts in Blogger), and I'll be back visiting...soon.


Aunt Becky said...

I feel fairly burnt out, too. I know how you feel Magpie.

RuthWells said...

We'll be out back drinking mojitos on the deck when you're ready to swing on back by!

Mayberry said...

Fantastic! I mean the fundraising. You, we'll miss, until you're back in the swim.

Kyddryn said...

Hurrah for your sister!

Meanwhile, I feel ya - and I'm tickled by the new pre-posting-schedule thingy, too. I wrote a week's worth for next week when I'll not only be out of town, but without the Internet. Talk about roughing it!!

We'll see how this works. Meanwhile, rest up and we'll see ya around. I think burnout is fairly common in Blogopolis, especially when school lets out, summer hits, and chaos reigns.

Shade and Sweetwater,

Woman in a Window said...

Here's one for you...a very nice lady just tried to sell me a luminary for the relay here in our community. I said, "OK here's $5 but keep the luminary, cancer hasn't touched my family (yet)" and then when I turned around it hit me and I realized I have a severe brain defect. My mom just fought and won her bought with colon cancer 2 years ago and about 5 months ago my father-in-law died from brain, lung and etc cancer. How nuts is that? Relay on, sister!

niobe said...

I so know that burnt out feeling.

And here I thought I was the only one with a little black heart.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Enjoy your break.

susan said...

Take care of yourself--all three of you.

Anonymous said...

oh its true over at my side too...I'm about to "mark all read" too, yet because of guilt...I'm pressing on...when I know these people have been hopping over to mine regularly, yet, because of my limited time....sigh...but I'm near to raising my white flag...

your sis have a golden heart!

S. said...

Now I've got the Bishop Allen song "Little Black Ache" in my head.

Take care of yourself and ignore us as long as necessary. If work won't give you a sabbatical, blogging surely can.