28 January 2009

Grace #2 = Flowers on a Snow Day

I almost never buy flowers. I'm generally too abstemious to spend money on that kind of frivolity. But a couple of weeks ago, in the supermarket, at the urging of the girlie, I bought a $5.99 pot of daffodils, sprouted but barely even in bud. They've sat on the kitchen table since then, and we've watched them grow, seen the buds develop, guessed which one was going to open first.

Mad's in the throes of renovating her kitchen and today queried as to decorating tastes. My house is your basic eclectic mix, but I find the kitchen eating area very pleasing. It wasn't planned, it just fell into place. There are lots of casement windows with white painted wood work, green paint on what little wall there is, an old dark wood table, green chairs from Ikea, blue/green tapestry placemats, and a green pot holding the afore-mentioned pot of daffodils, now on their last legs.

I highly recommend potted bulbs in the mid-winter - it brings grace indoors, even on a snow day.


needleinahaystack said...

Ok. Throw around your excellent SAT English abilities. But did you know that Abstemious is one of the two words in the English language with all five vowels in order. Other word is Facetious.
I did not know this...my cubemate Bill tells me so.

Anonymous said...

Me, Mad here. Can't log in right now.

Your room is lovely. I'm jonesing for that colour of green. Stay tuned. I am also envious of your clutter free! table top.

I also rarely by flowers but the year my mom died I bought peach coloured roses every few days for a month. They were beautiful.

Now my flower buying is restricted to the annual daffodil campaign for the Canadian Cancer Society.

Rima said...

That picture looks like it should be in a shelter magazine. Really very nice.

She She said...

Jealous of your windows & light. Our kitchen is a cave. That said, I've put "daffodils" on my grocery list for this week.

The Library Lady said...

When I was in high school I used to stop at a florist that had little pots of forced crocuses and daffodils and bring them home.

Right now I have amaryllis, narcissus and freesia bulbs on the windows of the childrens' room. There are 2 more amaryllis yet to plant. And there are tulips, hyacinths and daffs chilling in the library fridge that I've been meaning to pot up for weeks--they go back in for another 2 weeks and then I bring them out to do their growing.

Gardening indoors keeps me going until I can start puttering outside in the dirt!

YourFireAnt said...

And so does a dandelion in a pot. By about March it will bloom brilliantly, and be the brightest thing around.


Anonymous said...

that looks like the same color green I have in my kitchen, and in the kitchen before that, and...

I expected little tete a tete daffs, but those look pretty big. Trick of the camera?

Mental P Mama said...

I love them, too! And forsythia branches;)

Anonymous said...

Your photograph DOES look peaceful. Maybe it's the window. Maybe it's the flowers.

the mama bird diaries said...

My mother was obsessed with fresh flowers growing up. We had them in every room. It was beautiful.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Fresh flowers from Trader Joe's are a weekly indulgence for me--albeit a reasonable one. I keep mine in the kitchen too.

You have to use my rationalization method. If I was a heroin addict I would be spending so much money; I'm not a junkie so I can afford _________.

nutmeg said...

I'm with you. I grow paper whites in stones. The smell gets me through February.

The Library Lady said...

I've had people complain about the paper whites odor. You either like it or you hate it!

julochka said...

i think i have some of those green chairs from ikea. and you're absolutely right about the bulbs in winter. must get dressed and go buy some...

Woman in a Window said...

THAT might just save my ass these days. Going stark raving mad at all this relentless winter!

niobe said...

I enlarged the picture, just so I could stare at those gorgeous windows.