17 January 2009


Multiple choice:

Snow falls in winter. How does snow feel? Circle the two words.

Cold     Dry    Wet     Hot

Blonde. No question about it. Though, when I asked her later, she gave me the same answer: Wet and Hot. I'm sure she's just yanking my chain.

However, the query "how does snow feel?" could be part of the problem. The question ought to be "what does snow feel like?" because the way it was phrased on the Weekly Reader handout, it sounds like it's looking into the psychology of snow. Let's try this again:

Snow falls in winter. How does snow feel? Circle the two words.

Angry     Playful     Happy     Vengeful

How do you think the snow feels?


flutter said...

dude, WET AND HOT. what is wrong with you? ;p

Anonymous said...

Lol at the snow quiz answers. Have a wonderful weekend.

shrink on the couch said...

Snow feels hot when your mom overbundles you in a snow suit. I mostly remember freezing wrists, back in my snowy winter days.

alejna said...

You know, when the snowflakes approach the ground, or land on a warm surface like skin, I bet they feel hot and wet. Especially after the cold dry conditions under which they began their journey.

But I like Angry and Vengeful, too.

Stimey said...

Why do I automatically think that snow feels vengeful?

And you know when you're kind of numb and really cold from snow, it kind of feels like it's burning? Or is that just me and my sensory issues?

Mental P Mama said...

Um. Ambivalent. Don't you read the "New Yorker"? Gah.

the queen said...

Despair. That's all the snow ever feels.

cactus petunia said...

Playful and Happy, definitely! (But then, I live in Oregon, where snow is an event!)

Very Mary said...

I'm thinking snow is a bitch. So bitchy.

Le laquet said...

Snow feels sad because it goes too quickly. Well, here it does.

Awesome Mom said...

I am going to say it feels vengeful. I can hear it laughing wickedly as if falls knowing that it will cause such problems.

niobe said...

Now, I'm trying unsuccessfully to think what the "right" answer would have been. Cold, I guess, but, for the second adjective, I can't decide between the remaining three.

Snow starts out dry, but then it melts on your face and inside your boots and it's wet. And when you've been outside in the snow long enough, your fingers start to tingle and burn.

I'm going to have to go with "all of the above."

Anonymous said...

I think it depends upon where you live.

Kyddryn said...

I think snow laughs as it falls, light and soft; it feel joyful, knowing that it will join with itself to soften man-made scars on the earth, bring delight to children who will revel in it, play with it, dine on it; it feels whimsical as it is shaped into people, animals, forts, and all sorts of amusements; it feels no fear at the thought of melting, because it knows it will become clouds again, perhaps to fall as rain on parched earth, perhaps to once more be light, fanciful snow.

As for what it feels like - if it falls 'round here, if feels like a wonder. A cold, fluffy, wet wonder.

Shade and Sweetwater,

Girlplustwo said...


Kyla said...

I think it feel happy.

Marinka said...

I think extreme hot and cold feel the same. It feels white to me.

Anonymous said...

i think it is pissed off at such an awful test question.

painted maypole said...

all of the above

(and there are times when you are so cold it burns... so I'll buy that it feels hot. I remember that sensation from playing in it as a kid)

Chris said...

I'm going for Angry and Vengeful, too. I think the girlie was right on the money with hot.

lilypotter said...

Oh snow is vengeful. Without a doubt.

Janet said...

Playful or vengeful, depending on my mood.

Woman in a Window said...

hehe, i'm still laughing at Flutter.