29 March 2010

Eleven Into Fifty Minus Two Equals NINE

Oh, the failings of me. I can only report on three of the ten things left on my list of things to do before I turn fifty.

1. Every week or so, I read another few pages of Gödel, Escher, Bach - at this rate, I am never going to finish it. Note to self: Stop reading everything else.

4. I bought sneakers! And then I got pneumonia! So I've accomplished nothing! Unless the sneakers count. They count, right? Note to self: get off your ass.

11. The first quarterly potluck party was at the beginning of the month, and it was a whole lot of fun. In some miracle, no brownies were ground into the carpet! However, the various children in attendance ate every last piece of the gooey butter cake. I'm thinking the next one is going to be a potluck 15th wedding anniversary. Note to self: set the date.

And onwards.


FreshHell said...

And are you feeling better?

FreshHell said...

And are you feeling better?

Heide Estes said...

I'm inspired, at any rate, to buy a new copy of Goedel, Escher, Bach, which I also started around 25 years ago... I loaned my copy to someone before finishing it, and it never came back, and I've been meaning for years to buy a new copy. By this time, I'm going to have to start over at the beginning.

Nice looking sneaks. How are you feeling?

allison said...

Yeah, working out with pneumonia isn't, strictly speaking, advisable, so yes, we'll just tick off the sneakers for now. And you're ahead of me -- all I've done is stick GEB on my bedside pile so far. I think I have to finish Moby Dick first. And now you've inspired me to go practice the piano, so there's that too. And three is better than none.

RuthWells said...

Pneumonia sucks. After you've kicked it, be on the alert for pain in your lungs -- the pleura seems to be more susceptible to inflammation and associated discomfort after having had pneumonia. Check with your doc; they may want you to let them know of non-pneumonia inflammation flare-ups.

mayberry said...

I do believe the sneakers count.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I really wanted the new Reebok rocker work out shoes for my bday. I got them--along with a cold so bad that I can barely stand upright.

Perhaps the universe doesn't really WANT us to get off our asses?

Life As I Know It said...

I believe that just THINKING about running counts. The fact that you bought sneakers is a bonus.

I tried running last year, but my bladder just isn't the same after two kids...

Hope you are feeling better!

Jennifer (ponderosa) said...

I read Metamagical Themas as a teen. Or parts of it, anyway.

I also think the sneakers count : )

abby said...

isn't getting pneumonia like an excused absence in school? I think you get extra time to make it up.

hope you're better.

ozma said...

I'm cheering you on. I love how eclectic your list is.

heidi said...

I say: don't run, walk.
Also... I am SO coming to the next potluck.

Imperatrix said...

how about getting GEB in audio format and listening to it as you walk (I agree with Heidi -- walking, not running).

Janet said...

You'll be in those sneaks in no time! Your butter cake link doesn't work...

InTheFastLane said...

Having the sneakers is 1/2 the battle. Get healthy first. The sneakers will still be there.

Unknown said...

Maggie, liz here; in order to assist in the birthday event for you, tell me if you are interested in a trip to DC in the summer; it will be sweltering but let's see what we can do about A/C at FS