20 February 2012

Cottage Industry

When we moved in, the house came with a (nothing wrong with it) nice but boring (brass neo-Georgian) chandelier in the dining room. I hung things off it from time to time, to make myself like it more, but when a friend emailed me the do-it-yourself plans for a fetching modern deconstructo fixture by Lindsey Adelman, I became obsessed. I kept thinking about it. I sent it to my husband. I haunted the website and coveted the fittings.

And then, my husband surprised me - totally and completely - by making it for me for Christmas. How the hell he hid the fabrication and the finished object until Christmas Eve, I'll never know.

The finding friend is in the middle of renovating an apartment, and really wanted the fixture for her new living room. So she asked whether my husband would help her make it. She bought all the bits, had them shipped to our house, and arrived this morning with (fresh, warm, NYC) bagels and the two of them set to work.

She went home happy, chandelier in hand, and I think we might should start a cottage industry. Anyone need a chandelier?


jo(e) said...

Oh, that's cool!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

It's very you!

flutter said...

okay that is awesome!

Neil said...

So, was he working on it in the basement the whole time?

Anonymous said...

So that's what you were doing! I can't thank you (collective) enough, I absolutely love it. When I asked if he would help, how luck am I that you all understood that meant: I would bring the warm NYC bagels.

When we dropped it off at the apartment, we ran into the electrician and he was truly impressed! It's sitting on the floor waiting to be hung.

Gina said...

I love it!

niobe said...

Awesome. Totally awesome.

Mental P Mama said...

Love it!!! Yes!!

S said...

Your husband is cool.

Jocelyn said...

I love it. LOVE it. I do think you could cottage industry it, too (mostly just wanted to use "cottage industry" as a verb there)...but many folks would love this in their homes. Maybe you can set up a booth and sell them at festivals!!!!!!!!! Because what makes chandeliers more appealing than displaying them out of doors, where there are no ceilings or sense of scale?

Patois42 said...

It is time to chuck your real jobs and start doing these.

Jeanne said...

If I would ever buy a chandelier--which I wouldn't, because I have relatively low ceilings and am a relatively tall person--it would be one like that.