05 April 2012

Letter to a Real Person

On the last school break, when we were in DC in February, the kid lost her iPhone. (Lest you think I'm a crazy person for giving an expensive cell phone to an 8 year old, it wasn't really an iPhone anymore; it was one of our old ones, with no phone service, so it worked like an iPod touch.) She was crushed when she lost it, and spent some time whining about her misery, until she rediscovered her DS, that is. (She's all about the serial attachments.) However, she did kind of miss emailing her friends about petty dramas!!!!!! (All of her emails include more exclamation points than strictly necessary. In fact, she's probably used up her lifetime exclamation point quota.) I mentioned this to my boss, who kindly excavated his old iPhone from a desk drawer, and she was complete again. (This was before all the canvassing about the American Girl dolls.) Anyway, I told her she had to write a thank you note.

I love how the first paragraph is so, so, so, so, so very tidy, and the PS is exuberant and misspelled and hopeful. (Also, my ears bleed just thinking about violin practice next year. Why? Why did she pick the violin? What did I do to deserve that?)

Oh, and she's writing a book. She may need a blog of her own.


Pinky said...

My favorite part is the "Again Love" after the P.S.

Heide Estes said...

The Offspring plays the violin. I dreaded it at first, and at the beginning it was sometimes fairly screechy, but it's really not nearly as bad as I feared.

RuthWells said...

So, so, so sweet.

susan said...

This is so, so, so endearing!!!!!

CG plays cello (and did violin for 18 months before that). Stringed instrument practice turns out to be not so bad. Not sure how, but it does.

Jody said...

Gemma keeps saying she wants to try cello, but so far, she's still sticking with the clarinet.

I played violin, and I can only say, you must have done something good to get a child who prefers violin to clarinet. Because I'll take out-of-key strings to squeaky reeds ANY day.

the sandwich life said...

love it, love it, love it....

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

She has a way with words.

Mental P Mama said...

LOL...and if I could take the oboe practicing, you can certainly take the violin. Just invite me to the concerts;)

mayberry said...

Totally charming. We can commiserate on the music practice. My son plans to take up the viola in the fall - only a smidge less squeaky than a violin.

HS Bff said...

In our house, with two boys who "took" violin, we called it "blackboard" instead. Not that our kids will even know what that is--the sound of that screech of nails on blackboards!!!
I remember you flutist you!

Emily Guy Birken said...

This is adorable! I love reading kid thank you notes.