05 April 2013

Dawn to Dusk

An imaginary friend. Cancer. Death.

Sweet & caring, Dawn was. I never met her. I knew her via Twitter, Facebook, blogging, email - all those ephemeral vehicles, except that they aren't, they're real, my imaginary friend was real. And now she's gone, too young, too soon. I'm sorry I never met her.

These moments, such deaths, they demand something - or they feel like they demand something from me, anyway. Why? What?

Say it with me now: Fuck Cancer.


Harriet M. Welsch said...

I'm so sorry, Maggie. There's been way too much of this going around lately.

S said...

I'm sad with you.

Kizz said...

Check your skin and FUCK CANCER.

I remember the first imaginary friend who died of cancer (in my sphere, not ever). She went by Cancerbaby and I checked her blog for ages after because it seemed so insane that she was gone.

It's not less insane now. Never is.


ozma said...

I read about this on Sarah's blog. This is horribly sad.

But I'm going to check my skin. And tell everyone to check their skin.

Amanda said...


Nothing imaginary, just magical.

Patois42 said...

Fuck cancer.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I'm sorry for the loss of your friend-what a tragedy.

Jocelyn said...

I didn't know Dawn through these cybercircles we all frequent, but I have seen how much she moved those of you who had befriended her. It is sadder than anything, this business of early death.

I'm glad you're doing the things you can.

leanne said...

Fuck Cancer.