24 January 2017


Okay, you marched on Saturday. Your pussyhat is still on the dining room table. Now what?

Rise up.

The Women’s March is spearheading 10 Actions for the first 100 Days. Every 10 days, they’ll give you something to do – no sign up necessary. This week, it’s send a postcard to each of your two senators. There’s a downloadable pdf, which prints nicely on Avery postcard stock. Run it through once, then turn over and do it again. Tada, two postcards printed front/back - one for each Senator. What are you waiting for?

Subscribe to the New York Times and the Washington Post – and by subscribe I mean pay for what you’re reading with actual dollars. Today’s Times called Trump a liar in a headline on the front page. They aren’t perfect, but they need support. What are you waiting for?

If you need help or suggestions, there are tools springing up all over the place. What are you waiting for?

Check out Indivisible. It’s a guide, written by former Congressional staffers, which outlines practical steps and pointers for how to get elected officials to listen to us.

You can sign up for Congress.org. Each week that Congress is in session you’ll get a weekly vote monitor so you know who’s voting on what and how, and what’s coming up.

Bookmark The Sixty Five. It’s another tool for hot button issues coming up. Like today, it's encouraging us to call Senators on the Health Education Labor Pension Committee to oppose the nomination of unqualified Betsy DeVos.

Last night I got three emails from three different people - all women of my mother's generation - saying essentially this:

Listen up: The Republicans need to get the message from the majority of Americans that we value and need the benefits of Obamacare. Here's how we do that:
On January 23, everyone who feels that way (our numbers are legion) sends a note to Donald Trump with a simple message:
"Don't make America sick again. Improve the Affordable Care Act. Don't repeal it."
One envelope for every ACA supporter in your household...even if they are under 18 years old. Just that simple message. Put it in an envelope, and put a stamp on it. On January 23, mail it to:
President Donald Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500
Can you imagine the picture of millions letters arriving at the While House by January 26? It will be a mountain. That image might help deter the Republicans from killing the most substantial improvement to American healthcare since the discovery of penicillin.
Do it today! Drop it into a mailbox near you on Monday, January 23. Please send this email to 20 (or more) of your friends, neighbors, and fellow Americans. Ask them to do the same.

So yeah, I wrote a letter. I suggested that the Affordable Care Act be renamed "TrumpCare". (I'm sorry I am posting this on the 24th, but do it anyway.)

I put a letter to the President and postcards to my two Senators in the mail this evening. You?

Call your two Senators. Call your Representative. Write to the President. What are you waiting for?


Cathy said...

Thanks for this, and all your posts, Maggie.

On the 20th, I made donations to the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, the NAACP and Doctors Without Borders.
On the 21st, I marched.
On the 22nd, I wrote to the Government Accounting Office urging support for Elizabeth Warren’s request for an audit of Trump’s finances in order to prohibit conflicts of interest.
On the 23rd, I sent a ”Why I Marched” email to my senator, Dianne Feinstein, at the request of staffers helping her prepare remarks for the Judiciary Committee hearing on Sessions.
On the 24th, I added my name to an ACLU petition urging the Office of Government Ethics to release all Trump documents pertaining to actual or potential conflicts of interest.

For more what-can-I-do suggestions, your readers may want to look at the Take Action area of the ACLU site.

edj3 said...

Aw, Anonymous, did she leave your sorry ass? Poor thing.

hope quotes said...

wow, its really good news for us. thanks for publishing this quality news. please more and more and more. there are much good quality news,

Kyla said...

Great round up of action points!