Like millions of other people, I went marching yesterday, in New York City with my girl and a friend and the friend's daughter who is also my girl's friend. It was an amazing day. Calm, vibrant, focused, irascible, human. I'm so glad we went.
I was wearing my vintage "Save the NEA" button, from back in the 90s (I think), so I was pleased to see a "Save the NEA" sign. |
My husband made this nice sign for us. He also stuck one on the car. Here's hoping the car doesn't attract untoward attention. There were many clever pussy hats - not all pink, not all knitted. I knit my hat; a friend from Seattle sent the hat my girl is wearing. It's made of a felted wool sweater, cut into a rectangle and sewn together. |
Once we finally got out of Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, and started shuffling along Second Avenue, the sun came out. There were people filling the street as far as the eye could see. |
66 Countries Are Doing This Today
Donald You Ignorant Slut! |
Fallopian Dude. There were a lot of men. One nice chant was a call and response: "Our bodies, our choice" (by the women) followed by "Their bodies, their choice" (by the men). |
I Am Now "Your" Boss DJT. Build Bridges...Not Walls! |
Immigrants, We Get The Job Done! (This was far from the only Hamilton-riffing sign.) |
Impeach And Convict
We Sing For LGBT Rights
(Alas, the Cabaret Singers were not actually singing.) |
Melania, You Can Still Escape
(There was also a "Melania, Poison Him" and a "Tiffany: Blink If You're Okay") |
Nasty Woman |
This Pussy Grabs Back
There were A LOT of pussy signs. |
Roses Are Red & Violets Are Blue...
Trump Can't Choose What My Pussy Can Do. |
Seven Sisters Representing with Nasty Barnard Women. My 13 year old was wearing her Wellesley sweatshirt and was amused by an older woman who asked her if she was a student there. |
Truck Fump. This dude was just standing on the sidewalk, all dressed up like he was going to a funeral. |
We peeled off at Grand Central Terminal. We'd been on our feet for 5 1/2 hours - walking from GCT to 47th & Second, and back down Second and across 42nd. On a normal day, you could have walked that loop in a 1/2 hour. I loved that there were cheerers on the Pershing Square bridge over 42nd Street. |
And now, after today's day of rest, tomorrow we RISE UP.
So glad you were there, and with your daughter and friends!
What a lot of great photos, too! I think my fave is "Donald, you ignorant slut," but that is probably because I am of a certain age and saw the early days of SNL.
I attended the San Francisco march and wish I'd had the sense to photograph all of my favorite signs. Thank you for sharing your favorites!
So wonderful!
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