31 July 2007

Book Path

It's increasingly difficult for us to get the child to go to bed at night. One night, not so long ago, I'd been downstairs, and hadn't heard any noise, so I thought I had successfully gotten her to sleep in her own bed. When I went up, I discovered this in her room:

And she was asleep across the hall in our bed.


Maewen Archer said...

My daughter loves to make paths too. So funny.

She also won't go to sleep in her bed (without me). Not so funny.

thirtysomething said...

My son does this with books too! Except then he drives his cars and trucks around all over them. Thankfully my kids all love their beds, otherwise I would go crazy I think. That is the one area of our home that is strictly mine and it requires a serious illness to be allowed to actually sleep there all night with me...call me a mean momma I guess!

Bea said...

I can imagine Bub doing the same thing - especially since hubby just went up and gently removed the book from on top of Bub's sleeping face.

BipolarLawyerCook said...

I do that with the unwashed tupperware, from the front door to the sink. Of course, the dishwasher doesn't think it's funny.

Anonymous said...

I love this picture. My son was enamored with lining things up. He wouldn't rest until he had a complete collection (of Pooh guys, of the Sesame Street characters, of the Toy Story characters, you name it.) Then he would line them all up, and all was right with the world.

S said...

This is something Jack would do (has done).

She's got such a sweet room!

Jody said...

That is so adorable!

I love these little glimpses into your home, and I adore the bookshelf.