19 July 2010


You know that I'm an atheist, right? Yes, I believe there is no god. Parse that. Note that I didn't say "I don't believe in god", because that implies that there is a god that someone else believes in.

My sister, well-intentioned, gave me - for our good pagan Christmas celebration - a Flying Spaghetti Monster to stick on my car. It's still hanging on the fridge in its protective plastic wrapper.

Julie of The Mom Slant is an atheist too. Julie's husband has an FSM on the back of his car, and she thinks it's "the only one in town". But I haven't yet put mine on my car, because it ever so slightly rubs me the wrong way. I realize that it's parody, but it cuts a little too close to home. If I believe that there is no god, how can I believe that there's a Flying Spaghetti Monster?


Woman in a Window said...

How can you believe that there's a Flying Spaghetti Monster? Well, I have eaten spaghetti but I have NEVER eaten od. Enough said. Let 'er rip.


Stimey said...

Solidarity, sister.

FreshHell said...

I recently ordered an Amazing Randi fish with a magic wand in his hand. My dad has the Darwin one but I needed something jazzier. I'm right there with you.

susan said...

We have an FSM on our car. I interpreted the FSM sticker not as an assertion of belief in FSM but rather as a statement against the encroachment of intelligent design into school curricula--so not a statement about the existence of god so much as a statement about the nature of science.

now off to google amazing randifish--what a great name.

Unknown said...

I love the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I look for him in all my grilled cheese sandwiches and burnt potato chips.

Kyla said...

I have never heard of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I'm a Christian, but I kind of got a kick out of reading about all of it.

mayberry said...

Maybe you need, like, a swimming ravioli mascot. Just to be different.

coldspaghetti said...

I believe in Cold Spaghetti.

shrink on the couch said...

I'm so glad I read your blog. I hadn't heard of FSM and wonder if I've seen the car emblem yet. Will definitely be on the lookout. I want one for my car but it could turn away business. Until I'm the one on Oprah diagnosing Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson, I have to keep my bumper a blank slate.

nonlineargirl said...

I have a senor mysterioso on my dashboard. I don't believe in him, but he has never tried to talk religion with me, so he stays.

This is what senor mysterioso looks like:

I do, however, have a virgin mary nightlight in the kids' bathroom. Because I definitely believe in encouraging Ada to use the toilet in the middle of the night without waking me up.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

No way could I do that. My lovely god-fearing, jesus-loving elderly neighbor is already quite concerned about my soul. I think that might put him in his grave!

Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo said...

I believe in glitter.

And not those stupid vampire ones.

Must get me one of those car decals.

Pinky said...

Hmmm...so it would seem that you are an ingrate as well as an atheist.

Janet said...

I watched The Green Room with Paul Provenza this weekend; his guests were Tommy Smothers, Martin Mull and Penn Jillette. Mull & Jillette are well known atheists...and Mull had the funniest quote, something about how an atheist becomes an agnostic in his or her later years...just in case LOL!

kate said...

I actually find bumper stickers of any kind faintly ( -- at best or blatantly at worst) violent and angry. Even when they're supposed to be inspirational... they all smack of trying to push one's own agenda and beliefs onto other people.

That said, I'm not completely humourless; I do enjoy the gently humorous or self-deprecating variety of bumper stickers... it's just their hard to come by.

Carol said...

I don't think you're supposed to believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I think the point of Pastafarianism is to point out how unbelievable all religions are...

Kyddryn said...

Oh, I adore the Flying Spaghetti Monster, especially with meatballs and some Cole's Zesty Garlic Bread!

I gave my pagan sweetie one of those fish thingies, the one that's an outline, but inside it says "'n' chips". He got a kick out of it.

My brother's an atheist, but he used to tell people he was a Fribee-tarian - they believe that when one dies, one's soul gets stuck up on the roof and no one can get it down...

Then there's the Church of Bob - they worship pigeons. Really!

I don't think putting the FSM on your car means you worship it...I thinks it's more of a poke at folks who would teach intelligent design in public school...for what it's worth...

Shade and Sweetwater,
K (who now needs to look up an Amazing Randi fish...)

Kelly @ Student of the Year said...

Is that what Michaelangelo really painted? Doesn't have quite the same impact, but I can see the appeal.

Jody said...

You can knit a FSM for the top of your pagan winter holiday tree, you know. It involves a LOT of I-icord.

I'm with Carol -- you don't believe in the FSM, you believe in what the FSM stands for. Go ahead and stick it on your car. (We see them all over the place in our neck of the woods.)

Gwen said...

I don't even know what a FSM is. How have I missed so much in only 6 months away? But see, this brings up a good point--I want very much to believe in some kind of magic. But if I can't allow the possibility of a mythical benevolentish spirit, can I be sure that was a wood sprite I caught in the corner of my eye?

kathy a. said...

i think FSM is funny. but we don't feel comfortable displaying our feelings on bumpers, either. only exception is the window sticker for daughter's U.

painted maypole said...

i wrote a really long comment about a week ago, on my iphone, and it got eaten somehow, which is probably best.

i have to agree with Kate. I find most bumper stickers to be pretty pushy and angry. I doubt anyone is every swayed in a positive direction by them, which is why i don't generally use them.