01 August 2008

A Little Verklempt

I tend towards the stoic, I tend to hide my emotions. I'm private and I don't share. For years, the many years between our marriage and my pregnancy, people would ask "so, are you going to have children?" and I'd deflect, "oh, we have cats". I never answered the question - it was way too personal and I really didn't want to share that pain of childlessness with anyone. When I finally allowed as to how we were trying, what with all the infertility treatments, people - including close family - said "we thought you didn't want any kids."

Well, I'd never said that.

This is kind of a long way around to the fact that I am a little verklempt that a couple of posts of mine have been singled out this week by different people, and I want to say "thank you". It means a lot to me, it really does.

The Hotfessional dubbed On Marriage a "perfect post", and if you'll go read her post about my post, you'll understand why.

The Original Perfect Post Awards 07.08

Julie wants to repost the same piece on Momocrats.

And someone - I don't know who - picked up Playing Round the Garden Trees for the Stirrup Queens Roundup Extravaganza. The roundup, in a nutshell: Each blogger was assigned a single blog to read from July 2007 to July 2008 and they chose a single post that spoke to them--that became their favorite. To my anonymous reader - thanks, I liked that post too, and I'll probably dig up some more little shrubs tomorrow.

All of you, you that read, you that write, you that comment, you that support - thank you.


FreshHell said...

I must have missed that one. My brain seems to be on permanent misfire. I will say that one thing I've learned being a parent is NEVER ASSUME. We just never know why people do or do not have children. Why anyone thinks its their business, I can't imagine. For some people, they don't want them. For others, they do and its not going smoothly. Or, they had a child and lost him/her. I was incredibly lucky and will not be pulling the lever a third time. I've already hit the jackpot. So, why do people say, "Are you going to try for a third?" You rule.

Mayberry said...

Oh, that's lovely. Very nice recognition!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It's nice to be loved. I always thought it was "faklempt". Oh well.

S said...

you deserve every bit of recognition you've received, imo.


She She said...

Recognition well deserved. I always find a gem to come away with when I read your words.

Anonymous said...

You truly deserved that recognition! Happy Friday.

Janet said...

well deserved, friend.

Rima said...

All very well deserved accolades - congrats!

Anonymous said...

Very well deserved. What a nice way to start the weekend!

S said...

better yet, you just won a coupon for a free starbucks vivanno in my giveaway! e-mail me with your mailing address, okay?

Julia said...

Well done and well deserved. Congratulations!

Zellmer said...

Yay for you.

Lady M said...

Congratulations. It was a powerful post and deserves that recognition.

Ozma said...

I love your blog. You convey something...I don't know--integrity and intelligence, for starters. Congrats!

niobe said...

Yay! Congratulations. Many, many congratulations.

MadMad said...

Congrats! They WERE great posts. I remember the garden one, when I read it the first time, thinking, wow, this is a beautiful, interesting piece, and not really being able to explain why, and feeling stupid in the comments. (Hm. Kinda like now, hahaha!) But anyway, I'm glad to see it again!

Anonymous said...

That's great!

I was surprised how many people assumed we were having infertility trouble because we waited 12 years into our marriage to have kids. No one ever said a word until after we had Fiona.

We were just immature.

Kate Lord Brown said...

So glad to have found your intelligent, heartfelt blog. Read both posts. 'Garden Trees' made me think of the orange blossom cut from my grandmother's garden and carried to London for my wedding bouquet, and 'On Marriage' made me think of that wonderful quote 'Love is love - wherever it falls'. Congratulations on the recognition - well deserved.